Why subtitling?

This is a great way for students and non-students to practice language skills by applying them. It is also a free service for projects that can't afford professional subtitles: new films and socially-engaged ones. For classic films, we create original subtitles or update existing ones to correspond to contemporary American English.

Inclusion is important in our work. Through subtitling we introduce English speakers to new and less well-known classic films. As a language pedagogy tool, films are an inclusive medium for visual and auditory learners. Subtitles are also helpful to spectators with certain disabilities.

Are you getting paid or have funding?

At the moment, we are all volunteers.

What subtitling software do you use?

We use free accounts on Amara. To soft-code subtitles on film files, we use Handbrake.

What is your work process?

Our updated process guide is here.

How do I import a .srt file onto my existing video?

Click here

How can I get involved?

Find out about joining our collective, having your team/course collaborate with us on a project, or starting your own subtitling collective. Email us at flyingsubtitles@gmail.com.