
RIUS undertakes research on fluvial and catchment processes. Work focuses on assessment of sediment transport and fluvial hydrology from unmodified upland streams to highly impacted lowland rivers. RIUS research extends to the freshwater biology and ecohydraulics: interactions between macroinvertebrate drift, channel hydraulics and bedload transport.

The group leads and collaborates in national and international funded research projects and networks and have completed many PhDs. The team has developed guidelines for fluvial sediment management, in collaboration with the Water Agency of Catalonia. It is responsible for the design and monitoring of flushing flows in the lower River Ebro, as part of the river’s restoration programme; this is in collaboration with the Ebro Water Authorities and Endesa Generación, the main Spanish Hydropower company.

A flood in the Isabena River (NE Iberian Peninsula)