(Sorted in inverse chronological order)
Carlson, S.M., Ruhí, A., Bogan, M.T., Hazard, C.W., Ayers, J., Grantham, T.H., Batalla, R.J., Garcia, C. (2024): Losing flow in free-flowing Mediterranean-climate streams. Frontiers in the Ecology and the Environment, e2737.
Montes-Pajuelo, R.; Rodríguez-Pérez, Á.M.; López, R.; Rodríguez, C.A. (2024): Analysis of Probability Distributions for Modelling Extreme Rainfall Events and Detecting Climate Change: Insights from Mathematical and Statistical Methods. Mathematics, 12(7), 1093.
Rodríguez-Pérez, A.M., Rodríguez-González, C.A., López, R., Hernández-Torres, J.A., Caparrós-Mancera, J.A. (2024): Water Microturbines for Sustainable Applications: Optimization Analysis and Experimental Validation. Water Resources Management, 38, 1011–1025, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11269-023-03706-7.
Rodríguez, C.A.; Rodríguez-Pérez, Á.M.; López, R.; Hernández-Torres, J.A.; Caparrós-Mancera, J.J. (2023): A Finite Element Method Integrated with Terzaghi’s Principle to Estimate Settlement of a Building Due to Tunnel Construction. Buildings, 13(5): 1343, https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings13051343.
Rodríguez González, C.A., Rodríguez-Pérez, Á.M., López, R., Hernández-Torres, J.A., Caparrós-Mancera, J.J. (2023): Sensitivity analysis in mean annual sediment yield modeling with respect to rainfall probability distribution functions. Land, 12(1), 35.
López, R., Ville, F., Garcia, C., Batalla, R.J., Vericat, D. (2023): Bed-material entrainment in a mountain river affected by hydropeaking.Science of the Total Environment, 856, 159065. doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.159065.
Balasch, J.C., Calvet, J., Tuset, J. (2023): Reconstrucción post-evento del flash-flood del 1 de septiembre de 2021 en Les Cases d’Alcanar (Tarragona). Ingeniería del agua, 27(1), 29-44. https://doi.org/10.4995/Ia.2023.18535
Tuset, J., Barriendos, M., Barriendos, J. (2022): Historical Floods on the Spanish Mediterranean Basin: A Methodological Proposal for the Classification of Information at High Spatio–Temporal Resolution—AMICME Database (CE 1035–2022). Land, 11, 2311. https://doi.org/10.3390/land1112231
Peña, J. C., Balasch, J. C.,Pino, D., Schulte, L., Barriendos, M., Ruiz-Bellet, J.L., Prohom, M., Tuset, J., Mazon, J., Castelltort, X (2022): Low-Frequency Atmospheric Variability Patterns and Synoptic Types Linked to Large Floods in the Lower Ebro River Basin. Journal of Climate, 35 (8), 2351-2371. https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-20-0394.1
Tuset, J., Vericat, D., Batalla, R.J. (2022): Temporal patterns of suspended sediment dynamics in a Mediterranean mountainous catchment. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, 64-64, 379-405.
Vázquez Tarrío, D.; Piqué, G.; Vericat, D.; Batalla, R.J. (2021): The active layer in gravel_bed rivers: An empirical appraisal. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 46, 2, 323-343.
Llena, M.; Smith, M.; Batalla, R.J.; Vericat, D. (2021): Do badlands (always) control sediment yield? Evidence from a small intermittent catchment. Catena, 198, 105015. doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2020.105015
Batalla, R.J.; Gibbins, C.N.; Alcázar, J.; Brasington, J.; Buendia, C.; Garcia, C.; Llena, M.; López, R.; Palau, A.; Rennie, C.;Wheaton, J.M.; Vericat, D. (2021): Hydropeaked rivers need attention. Environmental Research Letters, 16, 2, doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/abce26.
Chong, X.Y., Gibbins, C., Vericat, D., Batalla, R.J., Teo, F.Y., Lee, K.S.P. (2021): A framework for Hydrological characterisation to support Functional Flows (HyFFlow): Application to a tropical river. Journal of Hydrology-Regional Studies, 36, 100838 doi.org/10.1016/j.ejrh.2021.100838
Chong, X.Y., Vericat, D., Batalla, R.J., Teo, F.Y., Lee, K.S.P., Gibbins, C.N. (2021): A review of the impacts of dams on the hydromorphology of tropical rivers. Science of the Total Environment, 794, 148686, doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.148686
Marteau, B., Gibbins, C., Vericat, D., Batalla, R.J. (2020): Geomorphological response to system-scale river rehabilitation I: Sediment supply from a reconnected tributary. River Research and Applications, 36, 1488–1503
Marteau, B., Gibbins, C., Vericat, D., Batalla, R.J. (2020): Geomorphic responses to system-scale river rehabilitation II: mainstem channel adjustments following reconnection of an ephemeral tributary. River Research and Applications, 36, 1472–1487
Tena, A., Piégay, H., Seignemartin, G., Barra, A., Berger, J.F., Mourier, B., Winiarski T. (2020): Cumulative effects of channel correction and regulation on floodplain terrestrialisation patterns and connectivity. Geomorphology 354, Article 107034.
Boavida, I., Díaz-Redondo, M., Fuentes-Pérez, J.F., Hayes, D.S., Jesus, J., Moreira, M., Belmar, O., Vila-Martínez, N., Palau-Nadal, A., João Costa, M. (2020): Ecohydraulics of river flow alterations and impacts on freshwater fish. Limnetica, 39(1): 213-232.
Béjar, M., Gibbins, C., Vericat, D., Batalla R.J. (2020): Influence of habitat heterogeneity and bed surface complexity on benthic invertebrate diversity in a gravel‐bed river. River Research and Applications, 36 (3), 465-479.
Barrientos, G., Herrero, A., Iroumé, A., Mardones, O., Batalla, R.J. (2020): Modelling the effects of changes in forest cover and climate on headwater catchments hydrology in south-central Chile. Water, 12, 1828, doi:10.3390/w12061828
Tuset, J., Vericat, D., Batalla, R.J. (2020): Water and sediment budgets unveiling contrasting hydro-sedimentary patterns in a mountainous Mediterranean catchment. Sci. Total Environ. 745, 140884.
Llena, M., Vericat, D., Martínez-Casasnovas, J. A., Smith, M. W. (2020): Geomorphic adjustments to multi-scale disturbances in a mountain river: A century of observations. Catena, 192 doi:10.1016/j.catena.2020.104584
Llena, M., Smith, M. W., Wheaton, J. M., Vericat, D. (2020): Geomorphic process signatures reshaping sub-humid mediterranean badlands: 2. application to 5-year dataset. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 45(5), 1292-1310.
Llena, M., Vericat, D., Smith, M. W., Wheaton, J. M. (2020): Geomorphic process signatures reshaping sub-humid mediterranean badlands: 1. methodological development based on high-resolution topography. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 45(5), 1335-1346.
López, R., Garcia, C., Vericat, D., Batalla, R.J. (2020): Downstream changes of particle entrainment in a hydropeaked river. Science of The Total Environment, 745, 140952.
Vericat, D., Ville, F., Palau-Ibars, A., Batalla, R.J. (2020): Effects of Hydropeaking on Bed Mobility: Evidence from a Pyrenean River. Water 12, 178, https://doi.org/10.3390/w12010178.
Rocaspana, R., Aparicio, E., Palau-Ibars, A., Guillem, R., Alcaraz, C. (2019): Hydropeaking effects on movement patterns of brown trout (Salmo trutta L.). River Research and Applications 35: 646-655.
Vauclin, S., Mourier, B., Tena, A., Piégay, A., Winiarski, T. (2019): Effects of river infrastructures on the floodplain sedimentary environment in the Rhône River. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 20: 2697–2708
Vega-García, C., Decuyper, M., Alcázar, J. (2019): Applying Cascade-Correlation Neural Networks to In-Fill Gaps in Mediterranean Daily Flow Data Series. Water, 11, 1691; doi:10.3390/w11081691
Crema, S., Llena, M., Calsamiglia, A., Estrany, J., Marchi, L., Vericat, D., Cavalli, M., (2019):Can inpainting improve digital terrain 2 analysis? 3 Comparing techniques for void filling, surface 4 reconstruction and geomorphometric analyses. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, https://doi.org/10.1002/esp.4739.
Peña-Angulo, D. et al.(2019): Spatial variability of the relationships of runoff and sediment yield with weather types throughout the Mediterranean basin. Journal of Hydrology, 571, 390-405.
Park, J. Batalla, R.J. Birgand, F., Esteves, M., Gentile, F., Harrington, J.R., Navratil, O., López-Tarazón, J.A., Vericat, D. (2019): Influences of catchment and river channel characteristics on the magnitude and dynamics of storage and re-suspension of fine sediments in river beds. Water, 11, 878; doi:10.3390/w11050878.
Espa, P., Batalla, R.J., Brignoli, M.L., Crosa, G., Gentili, G., Quadroni, S. (2019): Tackling reservoir siltation by controlled sediment flushing: impact on downstream fauna and related management issues, PLOS-ONE, 14(6): e0218822.
Vázquez-Tarrío, D., Batalla, R.J. (2019): Assessing controls on tracers’ displacement in gravel-bed rivers. Water, 11, 1598.
Balasch, J.C., Pino, D., Ruiz-Bellet, J.L., Tuset, J., Barriendos, M., Castelltort, X., Peña, J.C. (2019): The extreme floods in the Ebro River basin since 1600 CE. Sci. Total Environ. 646, 645–660.
Barriendos, M., Gil-Guirado, S., Pino, D., Tuset, J., Pérez-Morales, A., Alberola, A., Costa, J., Balasch, J.C., Castelltort, X., Mazón, J., Ruiz-Bellet, J.L. (2019): Climatic and social factors behind the Spanish Mediterranean flood event chronologies from documentary sources (14th–20th centuries). Glob. Planet. Change 182, 102997.
Lobera G, Pardo I, García L., García C. (2019): Disentangling spatio-temporal drivers influencing benthic communities in temporary streams. Aquatic Sciences 81:67.
Cavalli, M., Vericat, D., Pereira, P. (2019): Mapping Water and Sediment Connectivity. Science of The Total Environment, 673: 763-767.
Horacio, J., Muñoz-Narciso, E., Trenhaile, A., Pérez-Alberti,A. (2019): Remote sensing monitoring of a coastal-valley earthflow in northwestern Galicia, Spain. Catena, 178: 276-287. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2019.03.028
Horacio, J., Muñoz-Narciso, E., Sierra-Pernas, J.M., Canosa, F., Pérez-Alberti,A. (2019): Geo-Singularity of the Valley-Fault of Teixidelo and Candidacy to Geopark of Cape Ortegal (NW Iberian Peninsula): Preliminary Assessment of Challenges and Perspectives. Geoheritage, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12371-019-00349-2.
Llena, M., Vericat, D., Cavalli, M., Crema, S., Smith, M.W. (2019): The effects of land use and topographic changes on sediment connectivity in mountain catchments. Science of The Total Environment, 660: 899-912. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.12.479.
Aparicio, E., Rocaspana, R., de Sostosa, A., Palau, A., Alcaraz, C. (2018): Movements and dispersal of brown trout (Salmo trutta Linnaeus, 1758) in Mediterranean streams: influence of habitat and biotic factors. PeerJ6:e5730; DOI 10.7717/peerj.5730
Thorel, M., Piégay, H., Barthelemy, C., Räpple, B., Gruel, CR., Marmonier, P., Winiarski, T., Bedell, J.P., Arnaud, F., Roux, G., Stella, J., Seignemartin, G., Tena, A., Wawrzyniak, V., Roux-Michollet, D., Oursel, B., Fayolle, S., Bertrand, C., Franquet, E. (2018): Socio-environmental stakes associated with process-basedrestoration strategies in large rivers: should we remove novel ecosystems alongthe Rhône?. Regional Environmental Change, 18: 2019–2031.
Graf, L., Moreno-de-las-Heras, M., Ruiz, M., Calsamiglia, A., García-Comendador, J., Fortesa, J., López-Tarazón, J.A., Estrany, J. (2018): Accuracy Assessment of digital terrain model dataset sources for hydrogeomorphological modelling in small Mediterranean catchments. Remote sensing, 10(12), doi: 10.3390/rs10122014.
Cucchiaro, S., Cavalli, M., Vericat, D., Crema, S., Llena, M., Beinat, A., Marchi, L., Cazorzi, F. (2019). Geomorphic effectiveness of check dams in a debris-flow catchment using multi-temporal topographic surveys. Catena, 174: 73-83.
Heckmann, T., Cavalli, M., Cerdan, O., Foerster, S., Javaux, M., Lode, E., Smetanová, A., Vericat, D., Brardinoni, F. (2018): Indices of sediment connectivity: opportunities, challenges and limitations. Earth-Science Reviews, 187: 77-108.
Cucchiaro, S., Cavalli, M., Vericat, D., Crema, S., Llena, M., Beinat, A., Marchi, L., Cazorzi, F. (2018). Monitoring topographic changes through 4D-structure-from-motion photogrammetry: Application to a debris-flow channel. Environmental Earth Sciences, 77(18) doi:10.1007/s12665-018-7817-4
Llena, M., Vericat, D., Martínez-Casasnovas, J. A. (2018). Application of structure from motion (SfM) algorithms for the historical analysis of changes in fluvial geomorphology. Cuaternario y Geomorfologia, 32(1-2): 53-73.
Llena, M., Cavalli, M., Vericat, D., Crema, S. (2018). Assessing changes in landscape associated to anthropic disturbances by means of the application of structure from motion photogrammetry using historical aerial imagery. Rendiconti Online Società Geologica Italiana, 46: 74-81.
Calsamiglia, A., García-Comendador, J., Fortesa, J., López-Tarazón, J.A., Crema, S., Cavalli, M., Calvo-Cases, A., Estrany, J. (2018): Effects of agricultural drainage systems on sediment connectivity in a small Mediterranean lowland catchment. Geomorphology, 318: 162-171.
Francke, T., Baroni, G., Brosinsky, A., Foerster, S., López-Tarazón, J.A., Sommerer, E., Bronstert, A. (2018): What did really improve our meso-scale hydrological model? A multi-dimensional analysis based on real observations. Water Resources Research, DOI: 10.1029/2018WR022813.
Francke, T., Foerster, S., Brosinsky, A., Sommerer, E., López-Tarazón, J.A., Güntner, A., Batalla, R.J., Bronstert, A. (2018): Water and sediment fluxes in Mediterranean mountainous regions: Comprehensive dataset for hydro-sedimentological analyses and modelling in a mesoscale catchment (River Isábena, NE Spain). Earth System Science Data, 10: 1063-1075.
Ulloa, H., Mazzorana, B., Batalla, R.J., Jullian, C., Iribarren Anacona, P., Barrientos, G., Reid, B., Oyarzuna, C., Schaefer, M., Iroumé, A. (2018): Morphological characterization of a highly-dynamic fluvial landscape: The River Baker (Chilean Patagonia). Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 86: 1-14.
Béjar, M., Vericat, D., Batalla, R.J., Gibbins, C.N. (2018): Variation in flow and suspended sediment transport in a montane river affected by hydropeaking and instream mining. Geomorphology, 310(1): 69-83.
Herrero, A., Vila, J., Eljarrat, E., Ginebreda, A., Sabater, S., Batalla, R.J., Barceló, D. (2018): Transport of sediment borne contaminants in a Mediterranean river during a high flow event. Science of the Total Environment, 633: 1392-1402.
Bronstert, A., Agarwal, A., Boessenkool, B., Crisologo, I., Fischer, M., Heistermann, M., Köhn-Reich, L., López-Tarazón, J.A., Moran, T., Ozturk, U., Reinhardt-Imjela, C. (2018): Forensic hydro-meteorological analysis of an extreme flash flood: The 29/05/2016 event in Braunsbach, SW Germany. Science of the Total Environment, 630: 977-991.
Batalla, R.J., Iroumé, A., Hernández, M., Llena, M., Mazzorana, B., Vericat, D. (2018): Recent geomorphological evolution of a natural river channel in a Mediterranean Chilean basin. Geomorphology, 303, 322-337.
Heckmann, T., Vericat, D. (2018): Computing spatially distributed sediment delivery ratios: inferring functional sediment connectivity from repeat high-resolution digital elevation models. Earth Surf. Process. Landforms, 43(7): 1547-1554.
Marteau, B., Batalla, R.J., Vericat, D., Gibbins, C. (2018): Asynchronicity of fine sediment supply and its effects on transport and storage in a regulated river. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 18(7): 2614-2633.
Béjar, M., Vericat, D., Nogales, I., Gallart, F., Batalla, R.J. (2018): Efectos de las extracciones de áridos sobre el transporte de sedimentos en suspensión en ríos de montaña (alto río Cinca, Pirineo Central). Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica, 44(2), 641-658.
Ozturk, U., Wendi, D., Crisologo, I., Riemer, A., Agarwal, A., Vogel, K., López-Tarazón, J.A., Korup, O. (2018): Rare flash floods and debris flows in southern Germany. Science of the Total Environment, 626: 941–952.
Lobera, G., Andrés-Domenech, I., López-Tarazón, JA., Millán-Romero, P., Vallés-Morán, F., Vericat, D., Batalla, RJ. (2017): Bed disturbance below dams: observations from two Mediterranean rivers. Land Degradation and Development, 28: 2493-2512
Oromí, N., M. Jové, M. Pascual-Pons, J.L. Royo, R. Rocaspana, E. Aparicio, R. Pamplona, A. Palau, D. Sanuy, J. Fibla, M. Portero-Otin (2017): Differential metabolic profiles associatred to movement behavior of stream-resident brown trout (Salmo trutta). PLoS One 12 (7).
Perret, E., Berni, C., Camenen, B., Herrero, A., and El Kadi Abderrezzak, K. (2017): Transport of moderately sorted gravel at low bed shear stresses: the role of fine sediment infiltration. Earth Surf. Process. Landforms, doi: 10.1002/esp.4322.
Brignoli, M.L., Espa, P. Batalla, R.J. (2017): Sediment transport below a small alpine reservoir desilted by controlled flushing: field assessment and one-dimensional numerical simulation. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 17, 8, 2187-2201.
Marteau, B., Batalla, R.J., Vericat, D., Gibbins, C. (2017): The importance of a small, ephemeral tributary for sediment dynamics in a main-stem river (Ehen, NW England). River Research and Applications, 33, 10, 1564-1574.
López-Tarazón J.A., Byrne P., van den Perk M. (2017): Transfer of sediments and contaminants in catchment and rivers. Journal of Soils and Sediments. DOI: 10.1007/s11368-017-1810-5
Piqué, G., Batalla, R.J., López, R., Sabater, S. (2017): The fluvial sediment budget of a dammed river (upper Muga, southern Pyrenees). Geomorphology, 293: 211-226.
Béjar, M., Gibbins, C.N., Vericat, D., Batalla, R.J. (2017): Effects of Suspended Sediment Transport on Invertebrate Drift. River Research and Applications, 33(10): 1655-1666.
Vericat, D, Wheaton, J., Brasington, J. (2017): Revisiting the Morphological Approach: Opportunities and Challenges with Repeat High-Resolution Topography. In: Gravel-Bed Rivers: Processes and Disasters, Chapter: 5, Publisher: Wiley, Editors: Daizo Tsutsumi, Jonathan B. Laronne, pp.121-158.
Rennie, C., Vericat, D., Williams, R.D., Brasington, J., Hicks, M. (2017): Calibration of Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Apparent Bedload Velocity to Bedload Transport Rate. In: Gravel-Bed Rivers: Processes and Disasters, Chapter: 8, Publisher: Wiley, Editors: Daizo Tsutsumi, Jonathan B. Laronne, pp.209-235.
Garcia, C., Gibbins, C., Pardo, I., Batalla, R.J. (2017): Long term flow change threatens invertebrate diversity in temporary streams: Evidence from an island. Science of the Total Environment 580: 1453-1459.
Herrero, A., Buendía, C., Bussi, G., Sabater, S., Vericat, D., Palau, A., & Batalla, R. J. (2017): Modeling the sedimentary response of a large Pyrenean basin to global change. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 17(11): 2677-2690.
Ruiz-Bellet, J.L., Castelltort, X., Balasch, J.C., Tuset, J. (2017): Uncertainty of the peak flow reconstruction of the 1907 flood in the Ebro River in Xerta (NE Iberian Peninsula). Journal of Hydrology, 545: 339-354.
López‐Tarazón, J. A., Estrany, J. (2017): Exploring suspended sediment delivery dynamics of two Mediterranean nested catchments, HydrologicalProcesses 31: 698–715. doi: 10.1002/hyp.11069
Gibbins, C., Vericat, D., Batalla, R.J., Buendia, C. (2016): Which variables should be used to link invertebrate drift to river hydraulic conditions?. Fundamental and Applied Limnology Volume, 187(3): 191-205.
Rocaspana, R., Aparicio, E., Vinyoles, D., Palau, A. (2016): Effects of pulsed discharges from a hydropowerstation on summer diel feeding activity and diet of brown trout (Salmo truttaLinnaeus, 1758) in an Iberian stream. J. Appl. Ichthyol. 32: 190-97.
González, L., Guisande, C. Vari, R., Pelayo, P., Manjarrés, A., García, E., González, J., Heine, J., Granado, C., Palau, A., Lobo, J.M. (2016): Geospatial data offreshwater habitats for macroecological studies: an example with freshwaterfishes. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 30(1): 126-141.
Tena, A., Vericat, D., Gonzalo, L.E., Batalla, R.J. (2016): Spatial and temporal dynamics of macrophyte cover in a large regulated river. Journal of Environmental Management. pp. 1 - 13.
Herrero, A., Berni, C. (2016): Sand infiltration into a gravel bed: A mathematical model. Water Resources Research Res., 52, doi:10.1002/2016WR019394.
Ruhí, A., Muñoz, I., Tornés, E., Batalla, R.J., Vericat, D., Ponsatí, L., Acuña, V., von Schiller, D., Marcé, R., Bussi, G., Francés, F., Sabater, S. (2016): Flow regulation increases food-chain length through omnivory mechanisms in a Mediterranean river network. Freshwater Biology, 61(9): 1536-1549.
Marteau, B., Vericat, D., Gibbins, C., Batalla, R.J., Green, D.R. (2016): Application of Structure-from-Motion photogrammetry to river restoration. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 10.1002/esp.4086.
Pino, D., Ruiz-Bellet, J.L., Balasch, J.C., Romero-León, L., Tuset, J., Barriendos, M., Mazon, J., Castelltort, X. (2016): Meteorological and hydrological analysis of major floods in NE Iberian Peninsula. Journal of Hydrology. In Press. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2016.02.008
Lobera G., Muñoz I., López-Tarazón JA., Vericat D., Ramon RJ (2016): Effects of flow regulation on river bed dynamics and invertebrate communities in a Mediterranean River. Hydrobiologia, 784: 283-304.
Piqué, G., Vericat, D., Sabater., Batalla, R.J. (2016): Effects of biofilm on river-bed scour. Science of the Total Environment, 572: 1033-1046.
Piqué, G., Batalla, R. J., Sabater, S. (2016): Hydrological characterization of dammed rivers in the NW Mediterranean region. Hydrological Processes, 30:1691–1707.
Buendia, C., Herrero, A., Sabater, S., Batalla, R.J. (2016): An appraisal of the sediment yield in western Mediterranean river basins. Science of the Total Environment, 572: 538-553.
Lobera, G., Batalla, R.J., Vericat, D., López-Tarazón, J.A., Tena A. (2016): Sediment transport in two mediterranean regulated rivers. Science of The Total Environment, 540: 101-113.
Tuset, J. Vericat, D., Batalla, R.J. (2016): Rainfall, runoff and sediment transport in a Mediterranean mountainous catchment. Science of The Total Environment, 540: 114-132.
Buendia, C., Bussi, G., Tuset, J., Vericat, D., Sabater, S., Palau, A., Batalla, R.J. (2016): Effects of afforestation on runoff and sediment load in an upland Mediterranean catchment. Science of the Total Environment, 540: 144-157.
López-Tarazón, J.A., López, P., Lobera, G., Batalla, R.J. (2016): Suspended sediment, Carbon and Nitrogen transport in a regulated Pyrenean river. Science of the Total Environment, 540: 133-143.
Estrany, J., López-Tarazón, J.A., Smith, H. (2016): Wildfire effects on suspended sediment delivery quantified using fallout radionuclide tracers in a Mediterranean catchment. Land Degradation & Development, 27: 1501-1512.
López, P., López-Tarazón, J.A., Casas-Ruiz, J.P., Pompeo, M., Ordoñez, J., Muñoz, I. (2016): Sediment size distribution and composition in a reservoir affected by severe water level fluctuations. Science of the Total Environment, 540: 158-167.
Tuset, J., Vericat, D., Batalla, R.J. (2015): Morpho-sedimentary evolution of the middle-course reaches of the Segre River. Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica 14(1): 23-62.
López, R., Vericat, D., & Batalla, R. J. (2015). Assessment of Bed Load Transport Formula for an Armoured Gravel-Bed River. Water Technology and Sciences, 6(2), 5-20.
Quinlan, E., Gibbins, C.N., Batalla, R.J., Vericat, D. (2015): A review of the physical habitat requirements and research priorities needed to underpin conservation of the endangered freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera. Aquatic Conservation-Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 25(1): 107-124.
Quinlan, E., Gibbins, C.N., Batalla, R.J., Vericat, D. (2015): Impacts of Small Scale Flow Regulation on Sediment Dynamics in an Ecologically Important Upland River. Environmental Management, 55(3): 671-686.
Ruiz-Bellet, J.L., Balasch, J.C., Tuset, J., Monserrate, A., Sánchez, A. (2015): Improvement of flood frequency analysis with historical information in different types of catchments and data series within the Ebro River basin (NE Iberian Peninsula). Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie 59 (Suppl. 3):127–157.
Buendia, C., Sabater, S., Palau, A., Batalla, R.J., Marcé, R. (2015): Using equilibrium temperature to assess thermal disturbances in rivers. Hydrological Processes, 29(19): 4350–4360.
López, R., Vericat, D., Batalla, R. J. (2015): Assessment of Bed Load Transport Formula for an Armoured Gravel-Bed River. Water Technology and Sciences (in Spanish), 6(2), 5-20.
Buendia, C., Batalla, R.J., Sabater, S., Palau, A., Marcé, R. (2015): Runoff trends driven by climate and afforestation in a Pyrenean basin. Land Degradation and Development. Doi: 10.1002/ldr.2384
Smith, M., Vericat, D. (2015): From experimental plots to experimental landscapes: topography, erosion anddeposition in sub-humid badlands from Structure-from-Motionphotogrammetry. Earth Surface Processes adn Landforms, 40(12): 1656-1671.
Williams, R. D., Rennie, C., Brasington, J., Hicks, D. M., Vericat, D. (2015): Linking the spatial distribution of bed load transport to morphological change during high-flow events in a shallow braided river. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 120(3): 604-622.
Ruiz-Bellet, J.L., Balasch, J.C., Tuset, J., Barriendos, M., Mazón, J., Pino, D. (2015): Historical, hydraulic, hydrological and meteorological reconstruction of 1874 Santa Tecla flash floods in Catalonia (NE Iberian Peninsula). Journal of Hydrology, 524: 279-295.
Lobera, G., Besné, P., Vericat, D., López-Tarazón, J., Tena, A., Aristi, I., Díez, J.R., Ibisate, A., Larrañaga, A., Elosegi, A., Batalla, R.J. (2015): Geomorphic status of regulated rivers in the Iberian Peninsula. Science of The Total Environment, 508: 101-114.
Colomer, M.A., Margalida, A., Valencia, L., Palau, A. (2014): Application of acomputational model for complex fluvial ecosystems: the population dynamics ofzebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha asa case study. Ecological complexity, 20: 116-126.
Sanz-Ronda, F.J., López Sáenz, S., San Martín, R., Palau, A. (2014): Physical habitat ofzebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha)in the lower Ebro River (North-eastern Spain): influence of hydraulicparameters in their distribution. Hydrobiologia, 735:137-147.
Buendia, C., Vericat, D.,Batalla, R.J., Gibbins, C.N. (2014): Temporal dynamics of sediment transport and transient in-channel storage in a highly erodible catchment. Land Degradation & Development, DOI: 10.1002/ldr.2348.
Barriendos, M., Ruiz-Bellet, J.L. Tuset, J., Mazón, J., ,Balasch, J.C., Pino, D., Ayala, J.L. (2014):The "Prediflood" database of historical floods in Catalonia (NE Iberian Peninsula) AD 1035–2013, and its potential applications in flood analysis. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 11: 7935-7975.
Piqué, G., López-Tarazón, G., Batalla, R.J. (2014): Variability of in-channel sediment storage in a river draining highly erodible areas (the Isábena, Ebro Basin). Journal of Soils and Sediments, 14(12): 2031-2044.
López-Tarazón, J.A., Batalla, R.J. (2014): Dominant discharges for suspended sediment transport in a highly active Pyrenean river. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 14(12): 2019-2030.
Tena, A., Vericat, D., Batalla, R.J. (2014): Suspended sediment dynamics during flushing flows in a large impounded river (the lower River Ebro). Journal of Soils and Sediments, 14(12): 2057-2069.
de Araújo, J.C., Batalla, R.J., Bronstert, A. (2014): Special issue: analysis and modelling of sediment transfer in Mediterranean river basins. Journal of Soils and Sediments 14(12): 1905-1908.
Verdú, J., Batalla, R.J., Martinez-Casasnovas, J.A. (2014): Assessing river dynamics from 2D hydraulic modelling and high resolution grain-size distribution. Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie 58(1): 95-115.
Quesada, N., Tena, A., Guillén, D., Ginebreda, A., Vericat, D., Martínez, E., Navarro-Ortega, A., Batalla, R.J., Barceló, D. (2014): Dynamics of suspended sediment borne persistent organic pollutants in a large regulated Mediterranean river (Ebro, NE Spain). Science of The Total Environment 473-474: 381-390.
Bronstert, A., de Araújo, J.C., Batalla, R.J., Cunha-Costa, A., Delgado, J.M., Francke, T., Foerster, S., Güntner, A., López-Tarazón, J.A., Mamede, G.L., Medeiros, P.H., Mueller, E.N., Vericat, D. (2014): Process-based modelling of erosion, sediment transport and reservoir siltation in meso-scale semi-arid catchments. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 14(12): 2001-2018.
Bussi, G., Francés, F., Horel, E., López-Tarazón, J.A., Batalla, R.J. (2014): Modelling the impact of climate change on sediment yield in a highly erodible Mediterranean catchment. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 14(12):1921-1937.
de Araújo, J.C., Batalla, R.J., Bronstert, A. (2014): Special issue: analysis and modelling of sediment transfer in Mediterranean river basins. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 14(12): 1905-1908.
Brosinsky, A., Foerster, S., Segl, K., López-Tarazón, J.A., Piqué, G., Bronstert, A. (2014): Spectral fingerprinting: characterizing suspended sediment sources by the use of VNIR-SWIR spectral information. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 14(12): 1965-1981.
Francke, T., Werb, S., Sommerer, E., López-Tarazón, J.A. (2014): Analysis of runoff, sediment dynamics and sediment yield of subcatchments in the highly erodible Isábena catchment, Central Pyrenees. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 14(12):1909-1920.
Vericat, D., Smith, M., Brasington, J. (2014): Patterns of topographic change in sub-humid badlands determined by high resolution multi-temporal topographic surveys. Catena, 120: 164-176.
López, R., Vericat, D., Batalla, R.J. (2014): Evaluation of bed load transport formulae in a large regulated gravel bed river: The lower Ebro (NE Iberian Peninsula). Journal of Hydrology, 510, 164-1281.
Buendia, C., Gibbins, C.N., Vericat, D., Batalla, R.J. (2014): Effects of flow and fine sediment dynamics on the turnover of stream invertebrate assemblages. Ecohydrology, 7(4): 1105-1123.
Gómez, C.M., Pérez-Blanco, D.C., Batalla, R. J. (2014): Tradeoffs in River Restoration: Flushing Flows vs. Hydropower Generation in the Lower Ebro River, Spain. Journal of Hydrology, 518: 130-139.
Williams, R. D., Brasington, J., Vericat, D., Hicks, D. M. (2014): Hyperscale terrain modelling of braided rivers: fusing mobile terrestrial laser scanning and optical bathymetric mapping. Earth Surf. Process. Landforms, 39(2): 167-183.
Smith, M., Vericat, D. (2014): Evaluatingshallow-water bathymetry from through-water terrestrial laser scanning under arange of hydraulic and physical water quality conditions. River Researtch and Applications, 30(7): 905-924.
Tena, A., Książek, L., Vericat, D. and Batalla, R. J. (2013): Assessing the geomorphic effects of a flushing flow in a large regulated river. River Res. Applic. 29:876-890.
Williams, R. D., Brasington, J., Hicks, D. M., Measures, R., Rennie, C.D., Vericat, D. (2013): Hydraulic validation of two-dimensional simulations of braided river flow with spatially continuous aDcp data. Water Resources Research , 49(9): 5183-5205.
Buendia, C., Gibbins, C.N., Vericat, D., Batalla, R.J. (2013): Reach and catchment-scale influences on invertebrate assemblages in a river with naturally high fine sediment loads.Limnologica - Ecology and Management of Inland Waters, 43(5): 362-370.
Tena, A., Batalla, R. J. (2013): The sediment budget of a large river regulated by dams (The lower River Ebro, NE Spain). Journal of Soils and Sediments, 13 (5), 966-980.
Wheaton, J., Brasington, J., Darby, S.E., Karsprak, A., Sear, D., Vericat D. (2013): Morphodynamic signatures of braiding mechanisms as expressed through change in sediment storage in a gravel-bed river. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 118(2): 758-779.
Gonzalez-Hidalgo, J.C., Batalla, R.J., Cerda, A. (2013): Catchment size and contribution of the largest daily events to suspended sediment load on a continental scale. CATENA, 102, 40-45.
Buendia, C., Gibbins, C.N., Vericat, D., Batalla, R.J., Douglas, A. (2013): Detecting the structural and functional impacts of fine sediment on stream invertebrates. Ecological Indicators, 25: 184-196.
Brasington,J., Vericat D., Rychkov, I. (2012): Modeling river bed morphology, roughness, and surface sedimentology using high resolution terrestrial laser scanning. Water Resour. Res., 48 (11), doi:10.1029/2012WR012223.
Tena, A., Batalla, R. J., Vericat, D. (2012): Reach-scale suspended sediment balance downstream from dams in a large Mediterranean river. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57(5): 831-849.
Navarro-Ortega, A., Acuña, V., Batalla, R.J., Blasco, J., Conde, C., Elorza, F., Elosegi, A., Francés, F., La-Roca, F., Muñoz, I., Petrovic, M., Picó, Y., Sabater, S., Sanchez-Vila, X., Schuhmacher, M, Barceló, D. (2012): Assessing and forecasting the impacts of global change on Mediterranean rivers. The SCARCE Consolider project on Iberian basins. Environ Sci. Pollut. Res., 19, 918–933
Gonzalez-Hidalgo, J.C., Batalla, R.J., Cerda, A., de Luis, M. (2012): A regional analysis of the effects of largest events on soil erosion. CATENA, 95, 85-90.
Rychkov, I., Brasington, J., Vericat D. (2012): Computational and methodological aspects of terrestrial surface analysis based on point clouds. Computers & Geosciences, 42, 64-70.
Smith, M., Vericat, D., Gibbins, C. (2012): Through-water terrestrial laser scanning of gravel beds at the patch scale. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 37(4): 411-421.
López-Tarazón, J.A., Batalla, R.J., Vericat, D., Franke, T. (2012): The sediment budget of a highly dynamic mesoscale catchment: the River Isábena. Geomorphology 138(1): 15-28.
Palau, A., Alcázar, J. (2012): The basic flow method for incorporating flow variability in environmental flows. River Research and Applications, 28: 93-102.
Buendia, C., Gibbins, C.N., Vericat, D., López-Tarazón, J., Batalla, R.J. (2011): Influence of Naturally High Fine Sediment Loads on Aquatic Insect Larvae in a Montane River. Scottish Geographical Journal, 127(4), 315-334.
Williams, R., Brasington, J., Vericat, D., Hicks, M., Labrosse, F., Neal, M. (2011): Monitoring Braided River Change Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Optical Bathymetric Mapping, In: Mike J. Smith, Paolo Paron and James S. Griffiths, Editor(s), Developments in Earth Surface Processes, Elsevier, 2011, Volume 15, Pages 507-532.
Balasch, J.C., Ruiz-Bellet, J.L., Tuset, J., (2011): Historical flash floods retromodelling in the Ondara River in
Tàrrega (NE Iberian Peninsula). Nat. Hazards Earth Syst.Sci., 11, 3359-3371.
Petrovic, M., Ginebreda, A., Acuña, V., Batalla, R.J., Elosegi, A., Guasch, H., López de Alda, M., Marcé, R., Muñoz, I., Navarro-Ortega, A., Navarro, E., Vericat, D., Sabater, S., Barceló, D. (2011): Combined scenarios of chemical and ecological quality under water scarcity in Mediterranean rivers. Trends in Analytical Chemistry 30(8), 1269-1278.
Batalla, R.J. and Vericat D. (2011): An appraisal of the contemporary sediment yield in the Ebro Basin.
Journal of Soils and Sediments 11, 1070–1081.
Cardona, M., M.A. Colomer, A. Margalida, A. Palau, I. Pérez-Hurtado, M.J. Pérez-Jiménez y D. Sanuy (2011): A computational modelling for real ecosystems based on P Systems. Nat. Comput., 10(1): 39-53.
Tena, A., Batalla, R.J., Vericat, D. and López-Tarazón, J.A. (2011): Suspended sediment dynamics in a large regulated river over a 10-year period (the lower Ebro, NE Iberian Peninsula). Geomorphology, 125(1), 73-84.
López-Tarazón, J.A., Batalla, R.J., Vericat, D. (2011): In-channel sediment storage in a highly erodible catchment: the River Isábena (Ebro Basin, Southern Pyrenees). Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, 55(3), 365-382.
Batalla, R.J. and Vericat, D. (2011): A Review of Sediment Quantity Issues: Examples from the River Ebro and Adjacent Basins (Northeastern Spain). Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 7(2), 256–268.
Gibbins, C., Vericat, D., Batalla, R.J. (2010):Relations between invertebrate drift and flow velocity in sand-bed and riffle habitats and the limits imposed by substrate stability and benthic density. J. N. Am. Benthol. Soc., 29(3), 945–958.
Balasch, J.C., Ruiz-Bellet, J.L., Tuset, J., Martín de Oliva, J. (2010): Reconstruction of the 1874 Santa Tecla's rainstorm in Western Catalonia (NE Spain) from flood marks and historical accounts. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst.Sci., 10, 2317-2325.
Batalla, R.J., Vericat, D., Gibbins, C.N., and Garcia, C. (2010): Incipient Bed-Material Motion in a Gravel-Bed River: Field Observations and Measurements. In: Gray, J.R., Laronne, J.B., and Marr, J.D.G, (eds): Bedload-surrogate monitoring technologies: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2010-5091, 52-66 p., available online at: http://pubs/usgs.gov/sir/2010/5091.
Castarlenas, S., C. Martí, J. Montserrat, A. Palau. (2010): Eficacia del filtro STF FMA-2000 frente a la retención de larvas de mejillón cebra (Dreissena polymorpha). Tecnología del Agua, 30: 32-39.
Gray, J.R., Laronne, J.B., Osterkamp, W.R., Vericat, D. (2010): Bed Load Research International Cooperative – BRIC. In: Gray, J.R., Laronne, J.B., and Marr, J.D.G, (eds): Bedload-surrogate monitoring technologies: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2010-5091, 208-217 p., available online at: http://pubs/usgs.gov/sir/2010/5091.
Vericat, D., Batalla, R.J. (2010): Sediment transport from continuous monitoring in a perennial Mediterranean stream. Catena, 82, 77-86.
López-Tarazón, J.A., Batalla, R.J., Vericat, D. Balasch,J.C. (2010): Rainfall-runoff-sediment transport relations in a large mountainous catchment: the river Isábena (Ebro basin). Catena,82, 23-34.
Estrany, J., Garcia, C., Batalla, R.J. (2010): Hydrological Dynamics in a Small Mediterranean Agricultural Catchment. Journal of Hydrology, 380, 1-2, 180-190.
Wheaton, J.M., Brasington, J., Darby, S.E., Merz, J., Pasternack, G., Sear, D., Vericat, D. (2010): Linking geomorphic changes to salmonid habitat at a scale relevant to fish. River Research and Applications, 26(4), 469-486.
Gibbins, C., Batalla, R.J., Vericat, D. (2010): Invertebrate drift and benthic exhaustion during disturbance: Response of mayflies (Ephemeroptera) to increasing shear stress and river-bed instability. River Research and Applications, 26(4): 499-504.
Rice, S. P., Little S., Wood, P. J., Moir, H. J., Vericat, D. (2010): The relative contributions of ecology and hydraulics to ecohydraulics. River Research and Applications, 26(4), 363-366.
Gibbins, C.N., Vericat, D., Batalla, R.J. (2010): Invertebrate drift-velocity relations and the limits imposed by substrate stability and benthic density. Journal of the North-American Benthological Society, 29(3), 945-958.
González-Hidalgo, J.C., Batalla, R.J., Cerda, A. De Luis, M. (2010): Contribution of largest events to suspended sediment transport. Land Degradation and Development, 21(2): 83–91.
López, R.; Justribó, C. (2010): The hydrological significance of mountains: a regional case study, the Ebro River basin, northeast Iberian Peninsula. Hydrol. Sci. J. 55(2), 223–233.
Alcázar, J, Palau, A. (2010): Establishing environmental flow regimes in a Mediterranean watershed based on a regioinal classification. Journal of Hydrology, 388: 41-51.
Francke, T., Foerster, S., Brosinsky, A., Sommerer, E., López-Tarazón, J.A., Güntner, A., Batalla, R.J., Bronstert, A. (2017): Hydro-sedimentological dataset for the mesoscale mountainous Isábena catchment, NE Spain. GFZ Data Services. http://doi.org/10.5880/fidgeo.2017.003
López-Tarazón, J.A., Bronstert, A., Thieken, A., Petrow, T. (2017) Book of abstracts of the International Symposium on the Effects of Global Change on Floods, Fluvial Geomorphology and Related Hazards in Mountainous Rivers. Universitätsverlag Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany, urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-396922
López-Tarazón, J.A., Byrne, P., Van der Perk, M. (2017, waiting for ISBN) . Title: Transfer of sediments and contaminants in catchments and rivers. Springer, Heidelberger, Germany.
Sabater, S., Acuña, V., Batalla, R.J., Balcázar, J.L., Borrego, C., Insa, S., Marcé, R., Mas Pla, J., Petrovic, M., Pijuan, M., Rodriguez-Mozaz,S., Rodríguez-Roda, I., Villagrasa, M., Barceló, D. (2014):Water research in the Mediterranean: challenges and perspectives. The Catalan Institute for Water Research (ICRA). Contributions to Science, 10(2): 1-14.
Camprodon, J., Vericat, P., Piqué, M., Casas-Mulet, R., Batalla, R.J. (2012): Gestió forestal en zones de ribera. A: Camprodon, J., Ferreira, M.T., Ordeix, M. (eds): Restauració i gestió ecològica fluvial. Manual de bones pràctiques de gestió de rius i riberes. Centre Tecnològic Forestal de Catalunya & ISA Press, Solsona, 102-135. ISBN 978-84-615-8852-7.
(Five most relevant publications are only listed. See previous publications in members CVs)
Batalla, R.J. and Vericat, D. (2009): Hydrological and sediment transport dynamics of flushing flows: implications for river management in large Mediterranean Rivers. River Research and Applications, 25(3), 297-314.
Vericat, D., Brasington, J., Wheaton, J. and Cowie, M. (2009): Accuracy Assessment of Aerial Photographs Acquired using Lighter-Than-Air Blimps: Low-Cost Tools for Mapping River Corridors. River Research and Applications , 25, 985-1000.
Gibbins, C.N., Vericat, D. and Batalla, R.J. (2007): When is stream invertebrate drift catastrophic? The role of hydraulics and sediment transport in initiating drift during flood events. Freshwater Biology 52, 2369-2384.
Vericat, D., Batalla, R.J. and Garcia, C. (2006): Breakup and reestablishment of the armour layer in a large gravel-bed river below dams: the lower Ebro. Geomorphology 76, 122-136..
Vericat, D., Church, M. and Batalla, R.J. (2006): Bedload bias: Comparison of measurements obtained using two (76 and 152 mm) Helley-Smith samplers in a gravel-bed river. Water Resources Research 42, 1-13.
Batalla, R.J., Gomez, C.M and Kondolf, G.M. (2004): Reservoir-induced hydrological changes in the Ebro River basin (Northeastern Spain). Journal of Hydrology, 290, 1-2, 117-136.
(Sorted in inverse chronological order)
Authors: Damia Vericat, Ramon J. Batalla, Chris Gibbins
Title: Portable flume to measure water and sediment flows
Year: 2009
Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas, Ministerio de Industria y Energía, B.O.P.I. de 31/072009
Patent number: D 0507762-01 (1)
The portable flume insitu (River: Ribera Salada)
Authors: Ramon J. Batalla, Albert Rovira, Maria Sala.
Title: CONRAD: Water Turbidity and Temperature Probe.
Year: 2002
Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas, Ministerio de Industria y Energía, B.O.P.I. nº 2759 (16 de marzo de 2002)
Patent number: P 9802430 (2)