Field visit in Lleida, 23 March 2024
HidroGeoDía in Huesca, 17 March 2024 (more infomration here)
Watch this video! Impactos morfológicos en ríos afectados por erupciones volcánicas.
Watch this video! 10 years of research at the Catalan Institute for Water Research:
Ramon J. Batalla and Damià Vericat have visited the Hydromorphology Lab at the Universitat Austral de Chile to participate in different research activities icluding seminars, workshops and field visits. See more details here.
Posted: December 2019
Best scientific publication of young members of the Spanish Society for Geomorphology. Manel Llena has received the second prize for the following publication:
Llena, M., Vericat, D., Cavalli, M., Crema, S., Smith, M.W. (2019): The effects of land use and topographic changes on sediment connectivity in mountain catchments. Science of The Total Environment, 660: 899-912. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.12.479.
Antoni Palau has led a study on irrigation and climate change. This study is funded by the Spanish Ministry. More details here.
Antoni Palau has led a study to evaluate the environmental state of the ecosystems of the province of Lleida and the cultural services they offer. This study is funded by the Diputació de Lleida. More details here.
RIUS has recently received the support from the Economy and Knowledge Department of the Catalan Government through Consolidated Research Group (RIUS 2017 SGR 459). Posted. February 2018.
Gemma Piqué won the price to the best poster in the NET-SCARCE International Conference (Barcelona, 15-16 November 2016). The poster was entitled Hydrological Alteration of Mediterranean Rivers due to Damming. Results are published in Hydrological processes (see more details here). Congratulations Gemma! Posted. November 2016.
Ramon J. Batalla explains the role of research on future fluvial management. Watch the video! (Càpsules De Ciència, a TV programme of the Televisió 3).
Watch a new video showing some of the results of the flume experiments carried out in the ICRA to study the interactions between biofilm and flow hydraulics, sediment transport and topographic changes. The video was prepared by Gemma Pique and summarises some of the results that are in the process of publication in the background of her PhD.
Annual RIUS meeting in Lleida on January 27th 2016. A lot of research going on: new students, new projects, future ideas and international collaborations.
All talks given in Gravel Bed Rivers 8 are available here.
Posted. December 2015.
See Ramon J. Batalla keynote in the I.S.Rivers 2015 conference in Lyon: 'Damming Rivers: The case of the Ebro'
Click here to see the video of the keynote (minute 53 approx.)
Posted. July 2015.
New sensors in the Noguera Pallaresa to study sediment transport dynamics.
Posted. July 2015.
Manel Llena has finished his master thesis. He investigated long-term morphological changes in the Upper Cinca by means of a combination of remote sensing methodologies. He obtained the highest qualification. If you are interested in his thesis you only need to ask! (in Spanish).
Posted. June 2015.
Estre Ramos is going to Utah University to perform a research stay with Dr. Joe Wheaton (July-December) with the objective to analyse topographic changes in teh Upper Cinca and to develop hydraulic models of the Upper Cinca by means of Delft3D.
Posted: June 2015.
María Béjar has finished a research stay at the Aberdeen University with Dr. Chris Gibbins. They identified all macroinvertebartes collected during the field sampling campaigns and analysed all drift samples obtained during the gravel mining was monitored in August 2014. Maria presented her PhD aims and objectives in a seminar and she participated in different field work campaigns carried out in the Lake District.
Posted: May 2015.
José Andrés López Tarazón started a Beatriu de Pinós 2-yr research fellowship (BP-DGR) based at the University of Potsdam to develop a research project directed to improve our understanding of the hydro-geomorphological hazards derived from flooding and associated with global change.
Posted: March 2015.
Efren Muñoz-Narciso has obtained a 4-yr PhD scholarship at the Fluvial Dynamics Research Group. The scholarship is funded by the Spanish Ministry (FPU).
Posted: November 2014.
RIUS research activity has been positively evaluated by the Catalan Government through the Consolidated Research Groups 2014 SGR 645.
Posted: October 2014.
RIUS meeting in the University of Lleida.
All RIUS members have met in Lleida on the 6th of June 2014. They have discussed results from on-going reserach projects and future collaborations. The director of RIUS (Ramon J. Batalla) has informed about the activity and results of the group in the last year.
Posted: June 2014.
The Ribera Salada in a TV program.
Members of RIUS explain the research has been conducted in the experimental basin of the Ribera Salada. You can see the full video in (see minute 9:40).
Posted: April 2014.
New MorphSed web site
See the new site of the research project MorphSed at
Posted: February 2014.
Fluvial Dynamics Research Group RIUS
Department of Environment and Soil Sciences
Universitat de Lleida
The Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Science and Innovation Secretary) is funding a 4 year PhD Contract. This contract is linked to the research project (CGL2012-36394): Morphosedimentary Dynamics In Human Stressed Fluvial Systems: Coupling Channel Morphology And Ecological Diversity (MorphSed). Research activity will be developed at the Fluvial Dynamics Research Group of the University of Lleida (
Starting date for applications: 26 August 2013
Closing date for applications: 10 September 2013 (at 3 pm Spanish Time)
Potential candidates: candidates must be interested in fluvial geomorphology, especially in hydraulic and morphological modelling in gravel-bed rivers.
Further details: more information here
Posted: August 2013.
New book available online wher RIUS has participated:
CAMPRODON, J., VERICAT, P., PIQUÉ, M., CASAS-MULET, R., BATALLA R.J. (2012): Gestió forestal en zones de ribera. A: CAMPRODON, J., FERREIRA, M.T., ORDEIX, M. (eds): Restauració i gestió ecològica fluvial. Manual de bones pràctiques de gestió de rius i riberes. Centre Tecnològic Forestal de Catalunya & ISA Press, Solsona, 102-135. ISBN 978-84-615-8852-7.
New equipment ready and working, a new Hexacopter flying!!
We thank to Jordi and colleagues from TorqueRC for their excellent support. With no doubt the hexacopter is flying because their implication in the project.