María Bejar

Maria is a PhD student at the University of Lleida. She has an undergraduate degree on Environmental Sciences from the University of Salamanca and a master’s degree on Soil and Water Management from the University of Lleida. Her master dissertation analysed the downstream fluvial effects of a programmed reservoir cleaning operation (sediment sluicing) in a Mediterranean river, the Segre.

Her PhD is focused on the impact of gravel mining on benthic invertebrate assemblages in a wandering river, the river Cinca (Southern Pyrenees). The aim is to link the impacts of gravel mining and river floods on physical habitat conditions and benthic invertebrates. Her PhD is supervised by Dr Damià Vericat (University of Lleida), Dr Ramon J. Batalla (University of Lleida) and Dr Chris Gibbins (University of Aberdeen) and it is involved within the MorphSed Project (CGL2012-36394).


Tel.: +34 973702301

Address: Department of Environmental and Soils Sciences, University of Lleida, E-25198 Lleida, Catalonia, Spain