Joan M. Verdú Arnal

Joan is a fluvial modeler and geomorphologist. He was graduated as Forestry Engineer in 1998 and Agronomic Engineer in 2001 and got his doctoral degree in April 2003, all at the University of Lleida. His PhD, supervised by Dr. Ramon J. Batalla and co-supervised by Dr. Jose A. Martínez-Casasnovas was focused on river dynamics in the River Isábena (Pyrenees), including rainfall, hydrologic, geomorphologic, hydraulic, and sediment entrainment studies. During his PhD, Joan was a visiting student at four international institutions: the German Spatial Agency (Munich, G), the Hydrographic Studies Center CEH-CEDEX (Madrid, Sp), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (IL, USA), and the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA, New Zealand).

Since 2004 he’s been working mainly at the Catalan Water Agency (Barcelona), at the Fluvial Planning Department, covering topics from hydrologic and hydraulic modeling to flood protection and river restoration works. He is also a part-time member of the Fluvial Dynamics Research group at the University of Lleida. Joan's research interests include modeling and remote sensing of fluvial dynamics.

Email: jmverdu@gencat.cat

Tel.: +34 973702676

Address: Department of Environmental and Soils Sciences, University of Lleida, E-25198 Lleida, Catalonia, Spain