José Andrés López Tarazón

I am a fluvial geomorphologist with research interests in sediment transport (from its generation in the sediment sources, to its transport through the fluvial system, to its final deposition at the catchment outlets), fluvial processes (e.g. channel-bed evolution after impacts, flooding hazards, Eco-hydrogeomorphology), catchment hydrology and the affectation of global change over all of them. I have authored papers (both published and/or in press) covering each of these areas. Since the start of my PhD I have published 38 papers in international journals (i.e. 3 papers per year), 1 database, and 41 book chapters. I have also edited 2 books and 2 special issues in SCI-Journals. I have acted as referee of a number of articles in international journals and I have reviewed several research proposals for different funding agencies too. Furthermore, I have been able to get funding for research projects from external agencies on my own as Principal Investigator (1 European project, 2 national projects, 1 regional projects) in the last 5 years for around 300,000 €. I have collaborated with some universities (e.g. the University of Lleida, the University of Potsdam, the University of the Balearic Islands, the Liverpool John Moores University) in several national and international research projects during the last 10 years (more than 18 million € in total). I have also participated in 38 conferences, both national and international, for a total of 84 contributions.

Since I started my PhD, I have been always funded by competitive programs; first a 4-yr Phd fellowship funded by the Autonomous Government of Catalonia, then a postdoctoral contract at the University of Lleida (Spain) as Project Manager of the WP3 of a Consolider Project (2 years). After that, I have obtained three more research fellowships; a Beatriu de Pinós and a Marie Curie-IEF, both at the Universität Potsdam (for around 4 years); finally, a Vicenç Mut at the University of the Balearic Islands (2,5 years). During the last 3 years, I have been working for the Catalan administration as Technical Supervisor of the Emergency Actions against Floods at Forestal Catalana SA, and as the Technical Coordinator of the Inspection and Environment Control Unit at the Catalan Water Agency. Currently I work again at Forestal Catalana SA managing the Life Connect Ricotí Project and the Natural Reserve of “Mas de Melons i Secans de Lleida”.

During all my career I have been involved in many different teaching and supervisory tasks. I worked as Lecturer in Geography at the Liverpool John Moores University, teaching to students of the three different levels of the Geography degree; I also was responsible of 2 more modules at third and fourth year students in the Geography degree at the University of the Balearic Islands. In all that, I delivered both theoretical lectures, laboratory and/or GIS practicals Furthermore, I have also supervised a number of undergraduate and Master students at all the different universities in which I have been working on. I have been invited in several occasions to deliver lectures to different types of audience, from school students to world-recognized scientists. Finally, during the last years, I have organized several events, from sessions in conference until symposiums or international courses.
