David Estany

David Estany is a Hydrometric Technician that joined the Hydrology and Soils Area at the Forest Technology Centre of Catalonia in 2004. His work includes maintenance of filed equipment and instrumentation, installation and calibration of monitoring stations, and lab and desktop post-processing.

He has acquired a wide experience on the deployment of electromagnetic (e.g. Valeport) and mechanical (e.g. OTTC31) current meters and the set up and configuration of automatic water samplers (e.g. ISCO), data-loggers (e.g. Campbell, ECH2O), pressure transducers (PDCR-i) and rain gauges (tipping bucket). His experience extends to remote sensing (e.g. ArcMap and Miramon) and hydrologic modelling (e.g. HEC-HMS). He has participated in different national and international projects and in field campaigns in the background of master and PhD thesis. David is currently the responsible of the field installations in the Ribera Salada Experimental Basin (see on going research projects).

Email: david.estany@ctfc.cat

Tel.: +34 973 481752

Address: Forest Technology Centre of Catalonia, Spain; Crta. Sant Llorenç de Morunys, km 2 (direcció Port del Comte), E-25280 Solsona, Catalonia, Spain