XVI Meeting on Recent Advances in Physics of Fluids and its Applications

November 01-05, 2021. Paraná, Argentina.

Short papers

Authors of accepted oral/poster contributions will have the possibility (optionally) of submitting a short (5 pages) paper to be reviewed by anonymous referees. Accepted papers will be published in a special edition of Anales AFA dedicated to FLUIDOS 2021.

The deadline for short papers submission is October 31st 2021.

Publication fee

We are pleased to announce that the publication of the short papers in Anales AFA will not entail any cost for the authors.

Format and language

Short papers should abide by the MS Word or LaTeX templates of Anales AFA. The maximum length is 5 pages. Authors can write their short papers in Spanish, Portuguese or English; the language does not necessarily have to be the same as that used in the abstract.


Submissions will be processed trough our Moodle site (Contributions -> Short papers). Please use the links "Short paper submission #1", "Short paper submission #2", etc., one per submitted paper.

Once the paper is accepted, authors will be instructed to submit the approved version to Anales AFA.

If you still did not register on our Moodle site, click on "Log in" (right upper corner), then click on the "Create new account" button and follow the procedure.