November 01-05, 2021. Paraná, Argentina

Background and Objectives

This Meeting had its origin in an initiative of a group of researchers and academics in the area of fluid dynamic belonging to the Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (UNCPBA), the former Comité Argentino de Transferencia de Calor y Materia (CAMAT) and the Instituto de Física de Líquidos y Sistemas Biológicos (IFLYSIB), who convened the First International Seminar on Present Problems in the Physics of Liquids and Related Applications, held in the city of Tandil in December 1989. In that Symposium more than 70 people participated among researchers, graduates, engineers, advanced students and some foreign scientists from USA and Chile.

From 1991 until 1995 inclusive, thanks to the effort and dedication revealed by Dr. Víctor Kuz, meetings II, III and IV were held in the city of La Plata being sponsored by CAMAT, IFLYSIB and UNCPBA and sponsored by the Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Their organization was in charge of Drs. Víctor A. Kuz (IFLYSIB) and Roberto Gratton (UNCPBA), and Eng. J.C. Ferreri (CAMAT).

During this period the objectives and guidelines that have given this meeting special characteristics were established. One of them is to summon not only the scientists who work on these problems, but also those professionals whose activity is closely linked to this discipline. This allows two objectives to be achieved: to integrate a series of related disciplines with fluid dynamics, bringing together those who carry out traditional research and, in addition, to seek interaction between the technological field and the formal academic structure. Examples of lecture topics taken from previous Meetings are: Suspension Dynamics, Capillary Flows, Crystal Growth, Elastic-Dynamics, Spreading of Viscous flows, Physics of Droplets and Bubbles, Physics of Turbulence, Stellar Winds, Instabilities, Environmental Fluid Dynamics, Petroleum Engineering, etc. Applications usually dealt with problems of local interest.

The above mentioned objective complements with the following:

- To promote the knowledge of the advancement of Science in relation to Fluid Dynamics in different research groups in Argentina and abroad;

- To promote the cooperation and the exchange among researchers and, fundamentally:

- To allow young researchers, postgraduate students and advanced students to get acquainted with the current status of Fluid Dynamics research.

In order to attain those objectives, the Seminar activities are organized on the basis of contributed and invited lectures and poster sessions. Invited Speakers deliver extended lectures of about 40 minutes with additional 10 minutes devoted to questions and comments. Contributed talks develop for about 15 minutes, plus additional 5 minutes for questions. Oral presentations are always plenary.

The main interest is giving the audience the opportunity to learn about the state of the art in the selected topic and/or getting acquainted with local, well-established research projects.

On the other hand, the poster sessions enable the presentation of the results of significant researches and developments of a more restricted scope. Breaks and get-together activities offer additional opportunities to share professional skills and experience.

In 1997, the fifth Meeting was held in Tunuyán, Mendoza, from November 10 to 13 and was partially funded by the Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. The local organization was in charge of Dr. Adriana Fornés and her research group and it took place in a hotel located on the first foothills of the Andean mountain range about 30 kilometers from the city of Tunuyán. The isolated location of the hotel contributed greatly to the bonding of all participants as social activities could be shared for three days, in addition to specific activities. An important number of advanced physics and engineering students participated in this meeting, as well as young graduates from the interior, especially from the city of Mendoza.

The sixth Meeting was held in Paraná, from November 29 to December 2, 1999. The place chosen for the meeting was the Hostal Posta del Sol which is located on the outskirts of the city of Paraná and was organized by Drs. Fernando Saita and María Delia Giavedoni (INTEC, CONICET-UNL). The Meeting was sponsored by CERIDE (CONICET). The Meeting included more than ten conferences and about twenty posters. Once again, the objective of approaching researchers from various areas of fluid dynamics was met.

The seventh meeting was held in the city of Buenos Aires between October 17 and 19, 2001. The organization was in charge of Eng. Juan Carlos Ferreri and the place chosen were the facilities of a modern and centrally located hotel in the city. The Meeting under the auspices of the Argentine Autoridad Regulatoria Nuclear (ARN), the Centro para la Investigación Industrial (CINI-Fudetec), the Consorcio de las Américas para las Ciencias Interdisciplinarias (University of New Mexico, EE.UU.), and the Universidad Argentina de la Empresa (UADE). A compilation of the papers presented at this meeting were published under refereeing in "International Journal of Heat and Technology".

The eighth meeting was held in the city of Tandil from November 12 to 14, 2003, at the premises of the Centro Cultural Universitario, under the Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (UNCPBA) and located in an area Downtown of the city. It was supported by CONICET, UNCPBA and the Asociación Física Argentina (AFA). In charge of the organization were Drs. Javier Diez, Alejandro G. González, Luis P. Thomas (IFAS, UNCPBA-CONICET) and Alejandro Clausse (PLADEMA, UNCPBA-CONICET). This meeting was characterized by a large participation of prestigious researchers from several countries (England, United States, Brazil) and numerous Argentine institutions, which gave a total of 13 invited conferences covering a very broad spectrum of topics, from natural phenomena of environmental impact , hydrology, floods, even human physiology problems, technical and architectural developments. There were also 47 mural presentations and an abundance of camaraderie and cultural activities.

The ninth meeting took place in the city of Mendoza from November 1 to 3, 2006 at the Facultad de Ingeniería (FI) of the Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. The meeting was organized by the Grupo de Física de Medios Porosos (FI - UNCuyo) led by Dr. Adriana Fornés and was sponsored by the Centro Latinoamericano de Física, the División Fluidos y Plasmas of AFA and the ANPCyT. Invited speakers from Venezuela, Brazil and the United Kingdom participated, as well as local researchers who addressed a broad spectrum of topics such as complex liquid modeling, severe plugging modeling in multiphase flows, non-Newtonian models applied to thin liquid films, transportation of compressible fluids in large ducts, ultrahydrophobic biological surfaces, etc. The mural presentations were more than 40.

The tenth edition was held in the city of Santa Fe from November 19 to 21, 2008, at the Foro Cultural Universitario, located in the city center. The meeting featured the sponsorship of CONICET, the ANPCyT and the Universidad Nacional del Litoral. A compilation of the papers presented at this meeting were published in a refereed volume of "Journal of Physics: Conference Series".

The eleventh edition was held in 2010 in Colonia, Uruguay, which clearly showed the interest of our Uruguayan colleagues in the theme of the meeting, something that had been taking place since their first participation since 2003. The organization was in charge of the Drs. Italo Bove, Cecilia Cabeza, Arturo Martí and Gustavo Sarasúa of the Universidad de la República. A compilation of the papers presented at this meeting were published in a refereed volume of "Journal of Physics: Conference Series".

The twelfth meeting was held in 2012 in the Salón San Martín of the Legislature of the Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. It was organized locally by Drs. Irene Ippolito, Mario Cachile, Carlos Perazzo, Ma. Alejandra Aguirre and Román Martino. On this occasion, some papers submitted were sent to be published in a special issue of the Anales de la Asociación Física Argentina.

The thirteenth meeting was held in 2014 at the Centro Cultural Universitario of the City of Tandil, and was organized by Drs. Javier A. Diez, Alejandro G. González, Juan Manuel Gomba, Carlos A. Perazzo, Fernando Minotti, Italo Bove, Magdalena Mechetti and Jonatan Mac Intyre.

The fourteenth meeting was held at the Centro Científico Tecnológico of the city of La Plata, and the organizers were Drs. Victor A. Kuz, Guillermo J. Zarragoicoechea, Carlos M. Carlevaro, Ezequiel V. Albano, Tomás S. Grigera, C. Gastón Ferrara, Ramiro Irastorza and Ariel G. Meyra. Among the invited speakers were Gerardo Callegari (Rutgers University, USA), Paul Grassia (University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom) and Rouslan Krechetnikov (University of Alberta, Canada).

The 15th. edition of FLUIDOS took place from November 7 to 9, 2018 in the Salón del Consejo of the Facultad de Ingeniería of the Universidad de Buenos Aires, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. It was organized by Irene Ippolito, Mario Cachile, M. Verónica D'Angelo, Carlos Perazzo, Lucrecia Roht and Lucas Pavlov. The invited speakers were Gerardo Callegari (Rutgers University, USA), Damián Craiem (Universidad Favaloro, Argentina and Université Paris Descartes, France), Carlos Dorao (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway), María Fernandino (Norwegian University of Science and Technology , Norway), Norberto Nigro (CIMEC, Santa Fe, Argentina) and Luc Oger (University of Rennes, France).

The 16th. edition was originally planed to be held from November 4th to 6th 2020 in Paraná. The circumstances related to the global COVID-19 pandemic forced to suspend the conference, which was rescheduled for November 1-5 2021 and will be held in virtual format.