Lab Members

 Postdoctoral Researchers

Léa Daupagne

Léa is a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Zoology at Stockholm University. She is a behavioural ecologist interested in sexual selection and mating systems in fishes. She received a Master of Science with highest honours from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and the University of Rennes 1 and recently obtained her PhD at the University of Pau and the Adour Region, where her research focused on the role of the social environment in shaping variation in sexual selection in lampreys.

Ana Gomes

Ana is a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Zoology at Stockholm University. She is mainly interested in the evolution of sexual traits and social behaviours. In her MSc and PhD, at CIBIO (Portugal), she studied the evolution of coloration, and how phenotypes influence social structure and mate choice, using theoretical and empirical work mostly in birds. Currently, she is working with the SpermTree database on the evolution of sperm in animals and studying cognition in different fish species of the Poeciliidae family.

 PhD Students

Madicken Åkerman

Madicken combines phylogenetic and experimental approaches to investigate how selection has shaped the tremendous diversity in animal colouration and patterns. In her current project, she is examining the evolution of distinct markings in skates and rays. She is also experimentally testing if eyespots have an anti-predator function in an aquatic environment, using Brown-banded Bamboo sharks, Lemon sharks, and stickleback as model predators.

 MSc Students

António Gonçalves

Male-male competition and mate choice in halfbeaks

Lenka Kissová

Personality and cognition in Poeciliid fishes

Anna Renner

Consistency in male mate choice in halfbeaks

Amanda Viving

Inbreeding avoidance in guppies

 Research Analysts and Assistants

Mirjam Amcoff

Research Analysist

Arezo Shamsgovara 

Research Assistant

 Lab Alumni


Raissa de Boer

Alessandro Devigili

Ariel Kahrl

PhD Students

Erika Fernlund Isaksson

Charel Reuland

Amy Rowley

MSc Students

Will Ashworth (Stockholm University)

Evelina Juntorp (Stockholm University)

Piotr Michal Michalak (Uppsala University)

Alice Bourtelli (Stockholm University)

Hannah Ogden (Stockholm University)

Madicken Åkerman (Stockholm University)

Katie Hunter (co-supervisor, University of Manchester)

Daisy Bridge (University of Manchester)

Holly Wilkinson (University of Manchester)

Natalie Sopinka (co-supervisor, McMaster University)

Visiting Researchers and Students

Charleen Ruppert (Bremen University)

Jakub Zák (Charles University in Prague)

Brett Culbert (McMaster University)

Lisa Locatello (University of Padova)

Mariana Rêgo (Universidade Federal Rural de Perambuco)