About Robin

Robin has a BS degree from Liberty University in Psychology; a Master's Degree from Liberty University in Counseling, and a Doctorate Degree in Biblical Studies from Colorado Theological Seminary. She has experience in various areas including geriatric social work, in-home therapy, and outpatient therapy. Before beginning her private practice, she gained counseling experience in several different settings including a community clinic, a Christian Counseling center, and several local agencies. She has also worked with a maternity home, several group homes, several nursing homes, and a home for children. She is a Licensed Professional Counselor in the state of North Carolina.

Robin enjoys speaking and writing. She is active in the Alamance County Jail Ministry and speaks there monthly. She enjoys providing workshops and inspirational speeches to churches, ladies groups, and at other venues. She has written five books: The Price of Love- A Guide for Reclaiming and Renewing Your Relationship Using Biblical Principles (available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble); Jesus and the Feasts; Discovering God's Ceaseless, Unequivocal, Unconstrained Love for Me; As a Man Thinketh-How to Change Your World by Changing Your Thoughts; and SCORE Positive - an anger management strategy - available on Amazon.