How to Prepare for Wildfires

The Home Ignition Zone (HIZ)

The HIZ includes your home & its surroundings, up to 100 ft (or up to 200 ft if your home is on a slope).

An ignition-resistant HIZ improves the likelihood of your home surviving a wildfire event.

This video demonstrates how homes catch fire, and how your home can survive a severe wildfire event.

HOT OFF THE PRESS: New Fire-Wise Landscaping in the Bitterroot brochure is available! Check it out for guidance on strategic HIZ landscaping tips and plant choices for the Bitterroot Valley.

ONLINE Shared Final version_FIR Landscape Brochure_DNRC.pdf

Why Become Fire Adapted?

To Go From This...

...To This

Actions you can take to reduce risk in your 

Home Ignition Zone (HIZ)

Find a list of fire-resistant plants here

Kinnikinnick (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi)

Hackberry (Celtis occidentalis)

Lilac (Syringa spp.)