8th workshop on

Economic and Financial Networks

NetSci 2023 Satellite | July 10, Vienna, Austria

Networks are everywhere in economic and financial systems, serving as useful representations of liabilities markets, labor markets, international trade, and more. Recent events from the 2007-2008 Global Financial Crisis to the Covid-19 pandemic and high-profile failures at cryptocurrency exchanges have underscored the high level of interconnection that characterizes these systems. Network science has long studied the systemic risks that arise in that this interconnection can lead to market collapses, supply disruptions, and labor shortages. Researchers active in the field also devise strategies to improve the stability, resilience, and wellbeing of economic and financial systems through a fruitful interplay of basic research and policy applications. The field has produced effective tools to understand and predict patterns of economic development and innovation, together with labor market dynamics, helping to further the societal aim of attaining a more equal, sustainable and green growth. Rapidly emerging digital technologies and innovative financial systems have also received considerable attention.

This workshop, a satellite meeting of NetSci2023, returns for the eight edition after being hosted by StatPhys26, NetSci2017, NetSci2018, NetSci2019, NetSciX2020, NetSci2020, CCS2022. The event aims at bringing together researchers active in studying economic and financial networks to discuss state-of-the-art work in the field, share knowledge across disciplines, and create opportunities for novel and fruitful collaborations. 

Important Dates


To join the satellite, registration to the NetSci2023 main conference is mandatory, either for the full conference or for satellite events only. On site registration will be possible only upon availability.