
Effective, Compassionate Help for Depression

When You are Serious about Feeling Better


We all get down sometimes, sometimes really down. It's hard to get back up sometimes.

Do you get depressed at times, so depressed that we cannot get out of bed in the morning? Depression often starts after people have had some loss:

-A loss might mean someone close to you died, or moved away.

-Conflict with your partner. Feeling unloved.

-A breakup or divorce has left you feeling rejected.

-Disappointments with how your life has not gone the way you thought it. Loss of your dreams.

-A new place to live or new job or school. Loss of what was comfortable.

-Bad Health-pain and/or immobility.

-Financial Insecurity. Fearful for making ends meet.

You feel isolated, alone - even though people may be all around you.

Your energy is drained. You do not enjoy much of life anymore.

There is no motivation to accomplish daily life.

You do not like yourself. You do not like others.

It is hard to find hope.

Depression and Christianity

Depression can be even worse for us Christians. We can view ourselves that we are not supposed to be too depressed. While it is still true that our faith should give us strength, we find it tough to "Let go and let God."

If we are honest with ourselves, we sometimes doubt God's goodness when life becomes so tough. How could a good God allow me, and others, to suffer so much?

We can also feel deeply ashamed of ourselves and our short comings and sin. We become very discouraged because we doubt that God can forgive us and love us.

You are Not Alone if You are Deeply Down

Depression is referred to as the common cold of mental health. You do not have to have any mental health problems to get depressed. I personally do not prefer to refer to anyone who is significantly depressed as mentally ill. Almost all of us will go through a time in our life when we are depressed significantly for a little while, and many will feel this way for an extended period of time.

I have been depressed significantly twice in my life, and battled less severe, yet still haunting, depressed thoughts many other times. I was very down and out at the age of 16 when my beloved mother passed away suddenly. Thus I understand significant grief, as well as suicidal thoughts that can come when you feel hopeless. I have also been depressed after a breakup with my first serious girlfriend. Divorce brings its own set of depressed thoughts.

You Need Validation of Your Feelings,

and You Need Hope.

The most healing event can occur by being heard and accepted, dirty secrets and all. There should be no shame in facing the dark parts inside of you, and it is best to do so with a full doctoral level psychologist who is professionally trained but also personally experienced in depression himself. I will work hard to understand your unique views on your life’s circumstances, relationships, and your self-esteem.

My clients feel that I genuinely care and that I am going through the struggle with them. But after I listen to them and take the time to fully understand them, I must then begin to give them hope. We first have to look to see if I can help them change their circumstance to get what they are needing. However, sometimes, things are beyond out control. I will try to help them see that regardless of how hard their circumstance is, they can learn to be content and find peace in their storm.

I like to see therapy as the client and I working as co-detectives to uncover the hidden thoughts in our minds that are secretly controlling our problem behaviors. I am not the expert on you. Only you know you. Although each of us can not always see the forest for the trees. That is where I come in.

I use Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) while doing therapy to help my clients understand themselves better. It is the most commonly used, most researched, and most beneficial form of therapy out there. I have been learning about it since I was 15 years old, studying relationships. It is a clear, simple way of seeing our problems, and the solutions we need.

We should not think of ourselves as worthless or hopeless.. My job is to help you learn to be content, but in a deeper, longer-term way. I am not here to judge or scold. I am here to help you see what is working in your life and what is not, and to help figure out how to get you to that place of happiness, for both you and your partner.

So...How Can I Help?

You need someone who can listen to you and really hear you, and then give you hope and help guide you to a stronger place.

You need someone who will not jump to conclusions and judge you for not having enough faith. You need someone to genuinely care and walk with you through your pain.

However, you need more than just that. You need someone who can give you a framework for organizing your life, your thoughts, your emotions.

You need good Biblical Counseling and a tried and true system - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) - to teach you how to become aware of the deep and contradictory thoughts that are in your mind that can lead you to such negative emotions and self-defeating behavior.

What Makes Me Qualified to Help with Depression?

Earlier in my career, for over 20 years, I worked in health care settings, working with high functioning people who were dealing with severe stress and loss in their life. I learned a great many strategies to help them fight depression and anxiety. While I am not working with that population anymore, I can still use those same strategies to help others.

These strategies include not just CBT but practical application of Biblical teachings that make sense to us today. Jesus wants to guide us and lead us into a better trust in Him, which will ultimately help us to accept and make the most out of whatever situation you find yourself in.

Maybe You Want to Be Depressed?

The challenge is that in many cases, part of us likes being depressed. What? That sounds wrong doesn't it? Who wants to be depressed? Of course, most of us hates feeling this way and definitely do not want to feel depressed. However, there may be a part of us, those deeper thoughts, that wants to be depressed for a certain purpose, our brain trying desperately to not accept that what is lost is truly lost, and fighting to find loopholes to get it back.

Another problem is how many of us feel helpless to depression. Depression is not so much of a disease as it is a condition. I do not like the term "disease." Disease implies that depression is a little monster outside of your body that randomly attacks you, like a virus, and that you are helpless to fight it. However, the simple fact is that for most of us, we have learned how to be depressed. That is not an insult to anyone. We all have learned it, especially when life's storms have hit. In therapy, I can demonstrate, on a case by case basis, how we ended up learning to think like about depression like we do. It is too easy for us humans to get down in this foreign world. I know personally.

True, some people are born with genes that make them more depressed than others and thus need medication management from a psychiatrist. But all who suffer with depression need psychotherapy to help them to learn better ways to cope with it, ways that are permanent with no negative side effects like you see with medications.

For most all of us battling depression, the condition has been learned. This is good news, as it means that you have hope, as you can re-learn and have potential to overcome.

Tell Me Your Story. I Will Listen and Care.

Let's Go On a Journey Together to Help Get a Grip on Your Life,

And To Learn How to Use Your Faith to Find True Contentment...

To Find Peace in Your Storm.