Christian Counseling

Biblical, Compassionate, Helpful

Professional Psychologist, but Ministering with Grace

This World can be Overwhelming. God Gave Us Each Other to Help Us Get Through.

Christians Need Help From Christians.

I'll be direct and honest here- I will not give you any self-righteous, holier than though, psychobabble. I'm a normal Texas Joe. I have wanted to minister to hurting people since I was 15. I will always take my time to listen and learn before speaking up, but I will shoot straight and give my opinion and useful advice if needed. I think I can help anyone feel comfortable with me - from a teen-ager to a 95 year old, from tough street guys, to middle class working women, to the classy well off crowd, any race or culture. I love people. I genuinely care for my clients and see it as a real relationship, not merely a professional talking down to you.

I will use love, sound Biblical teaching, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, 30 years of counseling experience, and 40 years of ministry to help you.

Psychology is the study of Humans. Who knows us better than our Maker? What better psychology text book is there than the Bible? Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) fits perfectly into Biblical teachings ("as a man thinks in his heart, so is he." Proverbs 23:7). CBT is also very well researched and is one of the most established therapies.

Christians get down sometimes, sometimes really down. It's hard to get back up sometimes.

Increasing your faith is indeed the best way to improve your mental health.

But it is not that easy!

Depression, anxiety and relationship problems can affect everyone, even Christians. You try to lean on God's grace and mercy and believe that in the power of Jesus' power. However, this does not mean you are free from dealing with the problems of this world. This world is not your home (Heb 13:14) and you are not meant to ever be perfectly comfortable here. To put it simply and bluntly, this world sucks. It is difficult and it is understandable to get overwhelmed and discouraged.

Even though you are forgiven, you will still have your sinful nature this side of Heaven. You may still get discouraged and depressed more than you should. You may become overwhelmed and afraid, afraid of being alone and rejected. Some may have problems with anger and maintaining good relationships. Sexuality is a common problem, even for those with the best of intentions

Yes, increasing your faith is indeed the best way to overcome and improve your mental health. It is not that easy! It is not just as easy as "Let go and let God." There are many thoughts inside of us that block us from truly realizing our place in God's eyes so that we can let go our our selfishness and live for Him more than ourselves.

There are also many other methods and ways to look differently at your issues, using Biblical truths and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (which is Biblical), to help you truly find peace and contentment no matter what storm of life you are in.

Jesus Used Parables - Good Model to Follow

Jesus was a great Rabbi, or in other words, teacher. He knows how people think and learn, obviously, since God made us. He used concepts that the every day man and woman could understand and then pushed this understanding to a deeper level. Modern psychology calls this assimilation/accommodation and it is important in how we all learn, from childhood and throughout our lives. Of course, like all of psychology, and medicine, we just put a label on these things, trying to comprehend God's great creation.

I have always found it best to use parables, metaphors, life's examples, to teach psychological concepts to my clients. "Okay, you know how a child acts when he does not get that cookie from his mother that he really wanted?" I try hard not to use too much psychobabble or the latest pop-psychology lingo, but instead try to use normal every day language.

So...How Can I Help?

You need someone who can listen to you and really hear you, and then give you hope and help guide you to a stronger place.

You need someone who will not jump to conclusions and judge you for not having enough faith. You need someone to genuinely care and walk with you through your pain.

However, you need more than just that. You need someone who can give you a framework for organizing your life, your thoughts, your emotions.

You need good Biblical Counseling and a tried and true system - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) - to teach you how to become aware of the deep and contradictory thoughts that are in your mind that can lead you to such negative emotions and self-defeating behavior.

What Makes Me Qualified to Be a Christian Counselor?

Jesus has been so good to me, having been blessed at an early age to learn about Him and making me who I am - someone meant to try to help others cope. I cannot take any credit. He did it all.

I began ministering to people while in High School through a great ministry called Young Life. I also wanted to be a psychologist around this same time. My first book I remember reading was Dating Guidelines from the Bible. So, yes. I was a bit of a geek. But it got me off on the right track. Another early and formative book I read was Larry Crabb's The Marriage Builder. Larry is a great foundational Christian Psychologist, who taught me Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, but also how to fully integrate Psychology and Christianity.

My Master's degree from Wheaton College in the Chicago area was a great source of training for me. Everything we learned about how to Counsel others was filtered through the lense of the Bible.

In my professional career, I spent 25 years working in Nursing Homes, dealing mostly with Christians, helping them to cope with horrendous storms that most of us would become overwhelmed with depression and anxiety. I learned a great deal in how to lean on God in a very real and deep way and how to help teach this to others.

Sex ... And Other Topics Not Easily Brought Up in Church

Do you have something going on in your life that is just too difficult to bring up to your pastor/priest, or other Christian friends? This is a safe place to discuss any topic, no matter how taboo or sinful, no matter how much shame you may be carrying.

I am not just a fully trained psychologist, and trained in the Bible and Biblical Counseling. I am also trained in sex therapy. Sex was God's invention. He intended it to be a good thing, especially in a marriage. Is infidelity going on? Porn addiction causing problems? Problems with sex drive or abilities hurting your relationship? Maybe you have been abused and traumatized? Just needing to spice up things in the bedroom? No shame, no judgment here. Complete privacy and discretion.

There can be many other sins and things we are ashamed of or just too embarrassed to bring up to anyone else. This is the place to come. I will be honest and direct and if you are doing something that is against God, or hurting someone, I will tell you. However, I will always do it kindly and in love, trying to help bring you to a healthier place.

Tell Me Your Story. I Will Listen and Care.

Let's Go On a Journey Together to Help Get a Grip on Your Life,

And To Learn How to Use Your Faith to Find True Contentment...

To Find Peace in Your Storm.