
Gain Control of Your Stress, Anxiety, and Overactive Mind

When Your Mind Just Will Not Stop!

You cannot stop yourself from overthinking, worrying, assuming the worst.

Do you get terribly anxious most of the time? Is it difficult to relax and just enjoy life?

Is stress getting to you?

Do you have an overwhelming fear? of people, of being rejected, of losing control, of life?

Are you afraid of being judged, of failing, letting down others?

Feeling nervous, distressed, tense all the time?

Are you having Panic Attacks? Those can be very scary, and then we can develop a fear of the attacks in addition to what we were worried about in the first place that led to the attack.

Are you having health issues as a result of your stress? Heavy Heart rate, rapid breathing, upset stomach and GI issues?

Cannot sleep?

Trouble concentrating? Do you feel like your memory is not working well and you can’t pay attention well?

Tired all of the time?

Feeling spiritually lost? Having an existential crises, wondering what life is all about?

Regardless of other issues you might need help with that brought you to this page, I bet anxiety is also lurking, if not overtaking you. People may come to me for various specific problems - Relationship issues, personal failings, or traumas from others - but anxiety and depression are often there also.

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I will describe how I deeply understand the nature of anxiety and an overthinking, overactive mind and the struggles that this can bring, especially in regards to social anxiety.

I have learned many ways to help you to fight these emotions and thoughts. You will learn how to gain control of yourself.