Write a script

A script is a method for expressing with words the pictures and sounds imagined by a writer in a way that can be understood and interpreted by others who turn them into actual pictures and sound.


When writing a script, always make it clear:

  • Where and when the scene is taking place.

  • What is happening on screen.

  • Who is talking and what they are saying.

The sections of a script

Scene Headings

This tells us the location where the scene takes place and the time of day (morning, afternoon...).


The action describes what is happening on the screen and what the characters should be doing.


Here is where we write what the characters should say. Remember to write the character's name.

Hint! Each character's lines should be centre-lined to make them easier to spot!

Example of a script

Here is a script example where you can observe the different sections of it. Can you distinguish them?


A young girl is exploring a dark, cold bedroom. She sees a cupboard and moves towards it to see what is inside.



She carefully opens the door and sees an object. She moves her arm towards it but suddenly a loud sound comes from anywhere near and she starts running through the stairs and outside the house.


Uff! That was near!

Now that you're ready... Script writing, step by step!

scene planning: script writing

Apps and Websites

And here are some websites that can be useful when starting to write a script.

The images are linked to the websites.

Book Creator

Boom Writer

Story Jumper

NaNoWriMo Young Writers Program