Latin Squares

Think you're done? Download puzzlemonster.txt, if you dare!


A Latin square is an n × n grid, where each cell contains an integer from 1 to n, and each row and column contain all n values. Here are a few examples:

1 2     2 1 3     1 3 4 2

2 1     3 2 1     4 2 3 1

        1 3 2     2 4 1 3

                  3 1 2 4

The following is not a Latin square. Do you see why?

1 2 3

2 3 1

3 2 1

In a Latin square puzzle, you are given a square grid with some numbers filled in, and it's up to you to fill in the remaining cells to form a valid Latin square. For example:

1 . . .

. . 4 2

. . 2 .

. . . .

(Note that a Sudoku puzzle is really just a Latin square puzzle with an additional constraint.)

In this lab, you'll use recursive backtracking to solve Latin square puzzles. Here is a high-level outline for a recursive backtracking algorithm:

// if solvable, solve puzzle and return true; otherwise return false

public boolean solve()


    if already solved, return true

    for each move


        execute this move

        if (solve()) return true;  // return true if can solve from here

        undo this move


    return false;  // already tried every move and none led to solution


The Code

Download Inside you'll find:

PuzzleDisplay(String fileName)
constructor for solving the puzzle in the given file

void valueChanged(int row, int col)
informs the display that the value in the given white box has been changed or cleared

Exercise 1: The Puzzle Class

Create a class called Puzzle, which will represent a single Latin square puzzle. For an n × n puzzle, the values stored in the puzzle will be integers from 0 to n, where the value 0 indicates that the cell is empty. It's up to you to create appropriate fields and choose appropriate data structure(s) to store those values. Implement the following constructor and methods in the Puzzle class.

Puzzle(int size)
constructs a Puzzle with given number of rows and columns
precondition: size > 0

int getSize()
returns the number of rows or columns

int getValue(int row, int col)
returns the value at the given location (row 0 is the top row and column 0 is the leftmost column); returns 0 if the cell is empty
preconditon: row and col are valid for this puzzle

void setValue(int row, int col, int value)
sets the value at the given location to be the given value
preconditon: row and col are valid for this puzzle; 0 <= value <= getSize()

boolean isValid(int row, int col)
simply returns true ... for now
preconditon: row and col are valid for this puzzle

boolean solve(PuzzleDisplay display)
simply returns true ... for now

Once you have completed these methods, the PuzzleDisplay class will compile successfully. Try out your code by constructing a new PuzzleDisplay, passing the name of a puzzle file to the PuzzleDisplay constructor. The PuzzleDisplay will load the file contents into a new Puzzle object, and will then allow you to work on the puzzle. The Clear button at the bottom of the user interface should clear any values you have entered, but the other buttons will not do anything yet.

Exercise 2: isValid

Complete the Puzzle class's isValid method. Assume that the given cell contains an integer in the range from 1 to n. The method returns true if that value does not appear in the same row or column. For the example puzzle below, isValid(1, 1) returns true (because that cell contains the only 3 in the center row and center column), while isValid(1, 2) returns false (because there is another 1 in the rightmost column).

1 2 3

2 3 1

3 2 1

If your code works correctly, the PuzzleDisplay will show invalid numbers in red. (Note that the PuzzleDisplay updates only when the cursor is moved to another cell.) Try testing your code on puzzle4.txt, which should be large enough for you to identify any errors.

Exercise 3: solve

In this exercise, you'll complete the solve method, which uses recursive backtracking to solve the puzzle or to report that it cannot be solved. First, let's work through some examples. Suppose the puzzle appears as follows.

3 1 2

2 3 1

1 2 3

This puzzle has no more empty spaces. You therefore assume that it has been solved and return true. That's your base case.

Here's another example. Suppose the puzzle appears as follows.

3 1 .

2 3 1

1 2 3

You place a 1 in the empty cell, and you determine that choice is invalid. You are sad. Then you place a 2 in the empty cell, and you determine that choice is valid. You are happy. You make a recursive call, and it returns true, telling you that the puzzle has already been solved. You are super happy, and therefore you return true.

Here's a third example. Suppose the puzzle appears as follows.

1 3 2

. . 1

. 2 .

You pick any empty space. Let's suppose you pick the leftmost cell in the middle row. You place a 1 in that cell, and you determine that choice is invalid. You frown. You now place a 2 in that cell, and you determine that choice is valid. You smile. You make a recursive call, and it returns false, telling you that the puzzle cannot be solved. Frustrated, you therefore place a 3 in that cell, and you determine that choice is valid. You feel better. You make a recursive call, and it returns false again, telling you that the puzzle still cannot be solved. You are furious now! Having tried every value in this cell, you conclude that this puzzle cannot be solved. You leave the cell empty, return false, and resist the urge to put your fist through a wall.

Here's a summary of the algorithm.

Return true if all cells have been filled.

Otherwise, pick any single empty cell.

Try placing a 1 in that cell, then a 2, then a 3, and so on. Each time you do, call PuzzleDisplay's valueChanged method, so you can see your code's choices on the screen.

Return true if any choice is valid and a recursive call returns true.

Leave that cell empty and return false if all values were unsuccessful.

Notice that you must call call PuzzleDisplay's valueChanged method in order to see your code's progress in the PuzzleDisplay.

Test that your code can now solve any puzzle, using the Step and Run buttons in the user interface. (This may take a while, depending on the difficulty of the puzzle.) When your code solves the puzzle, you will see the solution appear. When your code determines that the puzzle cannot be solved, a window will report that something is not right. In this case, all boxes should contain their original values.

Additional Credit Suggestions