p5.js Reference

Table of Contents

Getting Started





Math Functions


Ifs / Conditionals



Getting Started

p5.js is a website and library for programming in JavaScript. 

To use p5.js:

To start a new program:

To load an old program:

By default, the p5.js editor shows  following program:

function setup() {

  createCanvas(400, 400);


function draw() {



The setup function runs once at the beginning of the program. The draw function runs repeatedly.

Anything on a line after // is considered a comment and is ignored by JavaScript. For example:

rect(1, 2, 3, 4); // This rectangle is drawn and this comment is ignored.

// rect(5, 6, 7, 8); This rectangle is not drawn.

createCanvas(width, height);
Should appear exactly once in your program, as the first line in setup.
Example: createCanvas(400, 400); // canvas is 400 pixels wide and 400 pixels tall

By default, the draw function runs 60 times every second, but you can change this. Inside the setup function, use the frameRate function to change how often  the draw function runs.
Example: frameRate(2); // runs the draw function twice every second

By default, the draw function runs over and over again, but you can tell p5.js to only run the draw function exactly once. Inside the setup function, simply write: noLoop();


The top-left corner of the canvas is (0, 0).

line(x1, y1, x2, y2);
Draws a line from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2).
Example: line(200, 100, 200, 300);

rect(cornerx, cornery, width, height);
Draws a rectangle with top-left corner at (cornerx, cornery).
Example: rect(0, 300, 400, 100);

triangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);
Draws a triangle connecting the points at (x1, y1), (x2, y2), and (x3, y3).
Example: triangle(200, 0, 0, 400, 400, 400);

ellipse(centerx, centery, width, height);
Draws an ellipse with center at (centerx, centery).
Example: ellipse(200, 350, 400, 100);

arc(centerx, centery, width, height, startAngle, endAngle);
Draws a sector of an ellipse with center at (centerx, centery), starting from startAngle and ending at endAngle. Angle 0 is to the right of the center (3 o'clock), and angles increase as we move clockwise around the center. By default, angles are specified using radians (instead of degrees) and range from 0 to 2π (instead of 360). For convience, the constant PI is defined to be 3.141592653589793, and the radians function can be used to convert an angle from degrees to radians. Both of the following examples will draw the bottom-right quarter of a circle.
Example: arc(200, 200, 400, 400, 0, PI / 2);
Example: arc(200, 200, 400, 400, radians(0), radians(90));
Hint: To draw the outline of the arc only, use the noFill function.

Draw Any Polygon

You can draw any polygon by using the line command to draw one line at a time. But you won't be able to color it in that way. That's where beginShape, vertex, and endShape come in. Use these commands to draw any polygon point by point. (Vertex is essentially just another name for a point.) The following example draws a 4-sided polygon in the shape of Nevada.


vertex(100, 100);

vertex(200, 100);

vertex(200, 250);

vertex(100, 150);



text(message, x, y);
Draws the given message, with the lower-left corner of the first character at (x, y).
Example: text("Hi there!", 100, 300);
Example: text(42, 100, 300);
Example: text(frameCount, 100, 300);

Sets the size to draw future text.
Example: textSize(24);

Sets the style to use for future text.

Sets the font to use for future text.
Example: textFont("Arial");            // sans-serif
Example: textFont("Verdana");          // sans-serif
Example: textFont("Tahoma");           // sans-serif
Example: textFont("Trebuchet MS");     // sans-serif
Example: textFont("Times New Roman");  // serif
Example: textFont("Georgia");          // serif
Example: textFont("Garamond");         // serif
Example: textFont("Courier New");      // monospace
Example: textFont("Brush Script MT");  // cursive


All color component values range from 0 to 255.

background(red, green, blue);
Fills canvas with given color, with components ranging from 0 to 255.
Example: background(255, 127, 0); // fills screen with orange
Example: background(220); // fills screen with light gray (220, 220, 220)

stroke(red, green, blue);
Sets color for future lines and outlines of future shapes.
Example: stroke(255, 127, 0); // future lines will appear in orange

Sets the thickness of future lines and outlines.
Example: strokeWeight(5); // future lines and outlines will be 5 pixels wide

Future shapes will not be outlined, and future lines will not appear.

fill(red, green, blue);
Sets color to fill future shapes.
Example: fill(255, 127, 0); // future shapes will be filled with orange

Future shapes will not be filled in.


Returns the total number of times that the draw function has run since the program started.
Example: background(frameCount);

mouseX and mouseY
Returns the current x or y coordinate of the mouse.
Example: background(mouseX);

Math Functions

random(low, high)
Returns a random number from low to high. For example, random(10, 20) might return 10 or 12.3 or 15 or 19.99, etc., but will never return 0 or 9 or 20.5.
Example: background(random(0, 255));

Takes in a number of degrees and converts it into a number of radians. For example, radians(360) is equivalent to 2 * PI.
Example: arc(200, 200, 400, 400, radians(0), radians(90));


To use an image in your project:

Your final code should look something like this:

image(imageVariableName, cornerx, cornery);
Draws imageVariableName with top-left corner at (cornerx, cornery) in its original size.
Example: image(catPicture, 100, 100);

image(imageVariableName, cornerx, cornery, width, height);
Draws imageVariableName with top-left corner at (cornerx, cornery) shrunk/stretched to given width and height.
Example: image(dogImg, 200, 50, 120, 60);

Ifs / Conditions

Example 1: set background to black only when frameCount is less than 100.

if (frameCount < 100)


  background(0, 0, 0);


Example 2: color changes to red when frameCount is 100, 101, 102, ..., 200

if (frameCount >= 100 && frameCount < 200)


  fill(255, 0, 0);


Example 3: color changes to red only when frameCount is 100, 101, 102, ..., 200 (same behavior as example 2)

if (frameCount >= 100)


  if (frameCount < 200)


    fill(255, 0, 0);



Example 4: rectangle and line appear only when mouse is over the right side of the canvas

if (mouseX > 200)


  rect(250, 50, 100, 300);

  line(200, 0, 0, 400);


Example 5: rectangle appears only when mouse is pressed

if (mouseIsPressed)


  rect(50, 50, 300, 300);


Example 6: set background to black if any key is being pressed now

if (keyIsPressed)


  background(0, 0, 0);


Example 7: set background to black if the last key pressed was the letter A. (The secret code for A is 65. Find the secret code for any at https://keycode.info.)

if (keyCode == 65)


  background(0, 0, 0);


Example 8: set background to black if the space bar is being pressed right now. (The secret code for the space bar is 32. Find the secret code for any at https://keycode.info.)

if (keyIsPressed && keyCode == 32)


  background(0, 0, 0);


Example 9: set background to black whenever the red component of the color at (x=100, y=200) is greater than 0. (Specifically, get(100, 200) returns the color at this position. The red function takes in that color and returns the red part of that color. You can also use the green function or blue function to get other parts of a color value.)

if ( red( get(100, 200) ) > 0 )


  background(0, 0, 0);



A variable is a name for a place in memory that stores a value. At the top of your program, use the var command to declare that you intend to use a variable. (The variable exists until your program stops running.) Inside any function, use = to assign a value to that variable.

Example: A square moves across the screen from right to left. As it moves, its x-coordinate decreases. The value of this x-coordinate is stored in the variable squarex.

var squarex;  // variable is declared before any functions

function setup() {

  createCanvas(400, 400);

  squarex = 400;  // variable is initialized (given its first value) inside the setup function


function draw() {

  background(0, 0, 0);  

  rect(squarex, 200, 50, 50);  // variable is used as the x-coordinate of a rectangle

  squarex = squarex - 5;  // variable is decreased by 5
