Java Stuff

Making a grid-based game?  Follow the instructions on this page.

Making a simple graphical project that is not based on a grid?  Download this starter code.

Making a project with lots of moving sprites, not based on a grid?  Start from the Sprite Lab.
(And here are some notes on inheritance.)

Making a project where the user will draw on the screen? Download this starter code.

Want a simple example where the computer will draw on the screen? Download this file.

Using 3-D graphics? Read these instructions.

Making a networking project? Download this starter code.
(Later, you can use this FakeServer.jar to test your client-side code
and this FakeClient.jar to test your server-side code.)

Looking for other useful stuff in Java?  Here's what you'll find on this page:

Main method
Random int
Convert between int and String
Test if a String represents an integer
User input
Wait for user to press enter
Load from a text file
Save to a text file
Time something
Exit the program
GUI (graphical user interface)
Pop-Up Dialogs
Custom Dialogs
Draw Text
Draw an image
Rotate an image
Gravity:  jumping and falling
Mouse Input
Keyboard Input
Smooth movement with keyboard input
Networking:  Client
Networking:  Server

Main method

public static void main(String[] args)



Random int

int n = (int)(Math.random() * howManyPossibleValues) + lowestPossibleValue;


There are 2 kinds of exceptions in Java:  run-time and compile-time.  Run-time exceptions occur when a program crashes.  For example,

int n = 3 / 0;
Program compiles successfully, but crashes with an ArithmeticException

You can use the throw instruction to force your program to crash.  (Forcing your program to crash immediately in the event of an error condition is much better than ignoring the error condition and allowing the program to continue running.)  This code will compile successfully, but will crash at run-time.

if (numTimes < 0)

  throw new RuntimeException("cannot be negative");

You can prevent your code from crashing by detecting when an exception occurs.




  System.out.println("It worked!");


catch(SomeKindOfException e)


  System.out.println("It failed.");


Compile-time exceptions (such as IOException) must be handled by your program or your code won't even compile.  There are two ways to handle a compile-time exception.  One way is to catch it, as shown above.  The other is to declare that your method throws the exception.

public static void save() throws IOException

{ ... }

Of course, now whoever calls save will need to handle this exception.

Convert between int and String

String s = 3 + "";

int n = Integer.parseInt("3");

Test if a String represents an integer



  int n = Integer.parseInt(s);



catch(NumberFormatException e)


  System.out.println("not an integer");


User input

import java.util.*;  //for Scanner


Scanner in = new Scanner(;  //only once per program

System.out.print("Enter first name:  ");

String first = in.nextLine();

System.out.print("Enter last name:  ");

String last = in.nextLine();

Wait for user to press enter

new java.util.Scanner(;

Load from a text file

import*;  //for BufferedReader, FileReader


BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("file.txt"));

String line = in.readLine();

while (line != null)



  line = in.readLine();



Save to a text file

import*;  //for PrintWriter, FileWriter


PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter("file.txt"), true);

out.println("first line");

out.println("second line");



//before waiting

try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch(Exception e) { }

//half a second later

Time something

long start = System.currentTimeMillis();


long millisecondsElapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;


This class extends Thread and overrides its run method to print forever.

public class MyThread extends Thread


  public void run()


    while (true)




The following code creates the thread and runs it, and then prints at the same time.

Thread t = new MyThread();


while (true)

  System.out.println("at the same time");

Consider the following code segment, which appears in some method.




Here's a quick and dirty way to rewrite this code so that methods b and c run at the same time:


new Thread()


    public void run()






Exit the program


GUI (graphical user interface, pronounced "gooey")

import java.awt.event.*;  //for ActionListener, ActionEvent

import javax.swing.*;  //for JFrame, BoxLayout, JLabel, JTextField, JButton

public class GUI implements ActionListener


  private JTextField field;

  public GUI()


    //make a window

    JFrame frame = new JFrame();

    frame.setTitle("My Window");

    //tell window to place each new component under the previous ones

    frame.getContentPane().setLayout(new BoxLayout(frame.getContentPane(), BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS));

    //add some text

    frame.getContentPane().add(new JLabel("some text"));

    //add a text field

    field = new JTextField(25);


    //add a button

    JButton button = new JButton("a button");


    //tell button to call this object's actionPerformed method when pressed


    //store text in button that can be retrieved in actionPerformed method


    frame.pack();  //determine best size for window

    frame.setVisible(true);  //show the window


  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)


    //button was pressed

    if (e.getActionCommand().equals("button1"))


      //we now know which button was pressed

      System.out.println("text field contains:  " + field.getText());




Pop-Up Dialogs

You will need:

import javax.swing.*;  //for JOptionPane

Dialog with OK button:

JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(parentComponent, "Hard drive erased");

Dialog with text field:

String name = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(parentComponent, "Enter your name");

Dialog with Yes/No/OK/Cancel buttons:

int selected = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(parentComponent,

  "Are you sure?", "Confirm", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION);

if (selected == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION)


Dialog with drop-down:

Object[] choices = {"blue", "green", "red", "yellow"};

Object selected = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(parentComponent, "What is your favorite color?",

  "Color", JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE, null, choices, choices[0]);

Custom Dialogs

Here is a complete example of a custom dialog.

public class SimpleDialog extends JDialog implements ActionListener


    private JTextField field;


    public SimpleDialog(Frame frame)


        super(frame, true);

        field = new JTextField(25);








    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)





    public String getResult()


        return field.getText();



This following code segment shows how to use the custom dialog.

SimpleDialog dialog = new SimpleDialog(frame);

String result = dialog.getResult();


import java.awt.*;  //for Graphics

import javax.swing.*;  //for JComponent, JFrame

public class Draw extends JComponent


  public Draw()


    JFrame frame = new JFrame();

    setPreferredSize(new Dimension(400, 400));





  public void paintComponent(Graphics g)



    g.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());


    g.drawOval(100, 100, 200, 200);



Draw Text

In the paintComponent method:

g.setColor(Color.BLUE);  // optional code to choose color before drawing text
g.setFont(new Font(null, Font.PLAIN, 24));  // optional code to change the font size
g.drawString("Hello", 10, 200);  // places the bottom-left of the string at position (10, 200).

Draw an image

You will need:

import java.awt.*;  //for Image

import*;  //for URL

import javax.swing.*;  //for ImageIcon

Create a fields for storing images:

private Image image;  //need to import java.awt.*;

Load images:

String fileName = "somefile.png";

URL url = getClass().getResource(fileName);

if (url == null)

throw new RuntimeException("file not found:  " + fileName);

image = new ImageIcon(url).getImage();

In paintComponent method:

g.drawImage(image, x, y, null);

Rotate an Image

Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;  //g is a Graphics object

AffineTransform old = g2.getTransform();

g2.rotate(angleInRadians, centerX, centerY);  //rotate around center of image at (centerX, centerY)

g2.drawImage(image, leftX, topY, null);  //(leftX, topY) is top left of image (before rotating)


Animation (automatic graphical changes not triggered by user input)

Create a class that extends JComponent.  Store state in fields:

private int x;

In paintComponent method, what you draw should depend on state:

g.fillOval(x, 100, 10, 10);

Write a loop to change state and redraw:

while (true)


  x++;  //change state

  repaint();  //tell JComponent to redraw when it has time

  try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch(Exception e) { }  //provide time to redraw


Gravity:  jumping and falling

Declare fields to keep track of both position and velocity:

private double y;

private double vely;

Repeatedly change position and velocity, and redraw:

while (true)


  y = y + vely;  //change y coordinate by amount of velocity

  vely = vely + 0.01;  //change velocity by constant acceleration due to gravity


  try { Thread.sleep(10); } catch(Exception e) { }


To begin falling, set velocity to 0.  To begin jumping, set velocity to a negative value:

vely = -10;

Mouse input

You will need:

import java.awt.event.*;  //for MouseListener, MouseEvent

Create a class that extends JComponent and implements MouseListener.  In the constructor, tell the component to notify itself of mouse events:


Implement each of the methods in MouseListener, such as:

public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e)


  int x = e.getX();

  int y = e.getY();

  System.out.println("Pressed mouse button at:  " + x + ", " + y);


Keyboard input

You will need:

import java.awt.event.*;  //for KeyListener, KeyEvent

Create a class that extends JComponent and implements KeyListener.  In the constructor, tell the component to notify itself of keyboard events:



Implement each of the methods in KeyListener, such as:

public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e)


  int key = e.getKeyCode();

  System.out.println("Pressed key with code:  " + key);


Smooth movement with keyboard input

Create a field to remember whether a key is down, and initialize it to false.

private boolean rightKeyDown;

Set the field to true when the key is pressed and false when the key is released.

public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e)


  int key = e.getKeyCode();

  if (key == 39)  //right arrow key

    rightKeyDown = true;


public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e)


  int key = e.getKeyCode();

  if (key == 39)  //right arrow key

    rightKeyDown = false;


Repeatedly change coordinate values when the field is true.

while (true)


  if (rightKeyDown)



  try { Thread.sleep(10); } catch(Exception e) { }


New Way to Play Sound

There are multiple ways to play sound in Java. Here is the newer way.

import javax.sound.sampled.*;

//load sound
Clip clip = (Clip)AudioSystem.getLine(new Line.Info(Clip.class)); File("beep.wav")));


//play sound

This code throws 3 compile-time exceptions: LineUnavailableException, IOException, UnsupportedAudioFileException.

Old Way to Play Sound in Java

Java originally only supported AIFF, AU, and WAV files.  These must use 8- or 16-bit sample rates from 8 kHz to 48 kHz.  If you use an unsupported file, the sound will not play, but no error will occur.  You can use Audacity to convert sounds to the correct format.  Specifically, Audacity has a drop down on the left side of each sound that lets you change the sample rate, and then you can export the sound as WAV.

import java.applet.*;  //for Applet

import*;  //for URL


private AudioClip beepSound;  //instance variable


//probably in a constructor

String fileName = "beep.wav";

URL url = getClass().getResource(fileName);

if (url == null)

throw new RuntimeException("cannot find file:  " + fileName);

beepSound = Applet.newAudioClip(url);


//to play the sound;

Networking:  Client

import*;  //for BufferedReader, InputStreamReader, PrintWriter

import*;  //for Socket


Socket socket = new Socket("localhost", 9000); //connect to server on port 9000

BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream()));

PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(socket.getOutputStream(), true);

out.println("lowercase");  //send message to server

String line = in.readLine();  //wait for message from server

System.out.println(line);  //print message from server


//disconnect from server




Networking:  Server

import*;  //for BufferedReader, InputStreamReader, PrintWriter

import*;  //for ServerSocket, Socket


ServerSocket server = new ServerSocket(9000);  //start server on port 9000

while (true)


  Socket socket = server.accept();  //wait for client to connect

  BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream()));

  PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(socket.getOutputStream(), true);

  String line = in.readLine();  //wait for message from client

  out.println(line.toUpperCase());  //send message to client

  //disconnect from client



