Finance Economics and Econometrics Lab

Seminar Series

2023 - 2024

 Seminar Financed by the TEPREM project

Speaker: Xavier Lambin (ESSEC).

Title: “Digital Platforms: Does Promoting Competitors Promote Competition?”

Date: Thursday, December 14th at 12h30 (Paris Time).

Abstract: Digital platforms frequently refer their users to competitors. We show that these references induce a business-sharing effect that may relax competition for users, resulting in lower quality of content. More surprisingly, user surplus may also decrease as the quality effect may overwhelm the positive effect of accessing more content. In the media sector, newspapers delegate the referencing activity to independent third parties. We show that the fees charged by third parties mitigate the anti-competitive effect while preserving the diversity effect. When there is competition among third parties, interplatform references promote both the diversity and quality of content of digital industries.

Here are links to the speaker’s website, the FEELab website and the TEPREME project website:

You are cordially invited to participate to the following seminar of the FEELab, which will take place in Room 304, Bosco building 

For more information, please contact: Anna D’Annunzio or Pierre Mella-Barral