Finance Economics and Econometrics Lab




TBS organized an International Electives & Finance Economics and Econometrics Lab Research Workshop on March 13, 2024.

TBS co-organized with TSE an  Digital Health Workshop on April 24, 2024. 

TBS co-organized with TSE an  23rd European Health Economics Workshop on April 25-26, 2024. 

TBS organized a first FEE Lab Member's Day on May 17, 2024.

TBS will organize a second FEE Lab Member's Day on September 27, 2024.


Adam, A., Menuet, M. & Sekeris, P.G. (2024). Conflict under the Shadow of Elections, Public Choice, forthcoming.

Belieres, S. & Hewitt, M. (2024). Hedging against uncertainty in transportation network design through flexible scheduling, Omega, 2024, Vol. 126.

Bourveau, T., Garel, A., Joos, P., & Petit-Romec, A. (2024). When attention is away, analysts misplay: Distraction and analyst forecast performance. Review of Accounting Studies, Vol. 29, pp. 916–958.

Canta, C., Cremer H., Gahvari, F. (2024). Welfare improving tax evasion, Scandinavian Journal of Economics. Vol. 126, No 1, pp 98-126.

Canta, C.,  Pestieau, P., Schoenmaeckers, J. (2024). Blood and gender bias in informal care within the family, Review of Economics of the Household. Vol. 22, pages 595–631

Canyakmaz, C., S. Özekici, S. & Karaesmen, F. (2024). Risk management through financial hedging in inventory systems with stochastic price processes, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 270.

Cayet P., Azzaro-Pantel C., Bourjade S., & Muller-Vibes C. (2024), Beyond the “bottom-up” and “top-down” controversy: A methodological inquiry into hybrid modeling methods for hydrogen supply chains, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 268. pp. 109091.

D'annunzio, A., & Russo, A. (2024). Intermediaries in the Online Advertising Market, Marketing Science, Vol. 43, No 1, pp. 33-53.


Dargaud, E., Menuet, M., & Sekeris, P.G. (2024). Collusion and Predation under Cournot Competition, Managerial and Decision Economics. Vol. 45, No 1, pp 315-325.

Derrien, F., Garel, A., Romec, A., & Weisskopf, J. (2024). Online Reputation and Debt Capacity, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. Vol. 59 , No. 3 , pp. 1100 - 1140.

Fisar, M., Greiner, B., Huber,  C., Katok, E., Ozkes, A.,  M. S. Reproducibility Collaboration (2024). Reproducibility in Management Science, Management Science, Vol. 70, no. 3.

Garel, A., Romec, A., Sautner, Z., & Wagner, A. F. (2024). Do Investors Care About Biodiversity?, Review of Finance. rfae010.

Gomes, R. & Mantovani, A.  (2024). Regulating Platform Fees Under Price Parity, Journal of the European Economic Association.

Hong, S.,  & Mella-Barral, P. (2024). Informational Hold-up by Venture Capital Syndicates, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol. 59, No. 3, pp. 1362 - 1400. 

Le Bris, D. & Gray, E.  (2024). Prédire à la fois les Trente Glorieuses et une stagnation économique après 2000, Jean Fourastié 1949", Revue Française d'Économie. Vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 31-59.

Mahéo, A., Belieres, S., Adulyasak, Y. &  Cordeau, J.-F. (2024). Unified Branch-and-Benders-Cut for two-stage stochastic mixed-integer programs, Computers & Operations Research, Vol. 164.

Mella-Barral, P., & Sabourian, H. (2024). Repeated Innovations and Excessive Spinoffs, The Financial Review, Vol. 51, No 1, pp 155-179. 

Mella-Barral, P. (2024). A  Resource-Based View of Entrepreneurial Spin-Outs, Review of Financial Economics. 

Menkveld, A. J., Dreber, A., Holzmeister, F., Huber, J., Johannesson, M., Kirchler, M., S. Neusüss, S., Razen, M., Weitzel, U., A. Calamia, A., Meloso, D. (2024). Nonstandard Errors, Journal of Finance, vol. 79, no. 3, pp. 2339-2390.