Finance Economics and Econometrics Lab




The ITEA Annual School and Conference on Transportation Economics, co-organized by ENAC and Toulouse Business School (TBS), has been held in Toulouse on June 13-17, 2022.

TBS organized an International Electives & Finance Economics and Econometrics Lab Research Workshop on March 9, 2022.


Alcouffe, A., Le Bris, D. (2022). Say's Second Visit to Britain: A Career Turning Point. History of Political Economy, vol. 54, no. Issue 3, pp. 393-414. 

Amigues, J.P., Chakravorty, U., Lafforgue, G., Moreaux, M. (2022).  Comparing volume and blend renewable energy mandates under a carbon budget. Annals of Economics and Statistics, 147, pp. 51-78. 

Avioz, I., Kedar-Levy, H., Pungulescu, C. & Stolin, D. (2022). Linking asset prices to news without direct asset mentions. Applied Economics Letters (forthcoming)

Belieres, S., Hewitt, M., Jozefowiez, N., & Semet, F. (2022). Meta partial benders decomposition for the logistics service network design problem. European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 300, no. 2, pp. 473-489.

Calzada, J., Manna, E. & Mantovani, A. (2022). Platform Price Parity Clauses and Market Segmentation, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, vol. 31(3), 609-637. 

Canyakmaz, C., Özekici, S., Karaesmen, F. (2022). A newsvendor problem with markup pricing in the presence of within-period price fluctuations, European Journal of Operational Research,  vol. 301 (1), pp. 153-162

D'Annunzio,  A., Menichelli, E. (2022). A market for digital privacy: Consumers’ willingness to trade-off personal data and money. Journal of Industrial and Business Economics, 2022, 49, 571–598.

Dickson, A., MacKenzie, I., & Sekeris, P.G. (2022). The Role of Markets on Resource Conflicts. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 124(3), 677-708. 

Dickson, A., MacKenzie, I., & Sekeris, P.G. (2022). Non-Linear Revenue Evaluation. Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 69(5), 487-505.

Dickson, A., MacKenzie, I., & Sekeris, P.G. (2022). Rent Dissipation in Simple Tullock Contests. GAMES, 13(6), 83.  

Fodha, M., Lafforgue, G., Ricci, F., Risch, A. (2022). Economie de l'environnement et des ressources naturelles: Introduction. Revue Française d'Economie, 37(2), pp. 3-10.

Garel, A., Petit-Romec, A., & Vander Vennet, R. (2022). Institutional shareholders and bank capital. Journal of Financial Intermediation, 50, 100960. 

Garel, A., & Petit-Romec, A. (2022). CEO exposure to abnormally hot temperature and corporate carbon emissions. Economics Letters, 210, 110156. 

Gray, E. (2022). Not Enough R&D? Or Maybe Too Much? Intensity of Knowledge Spillovers and Optimal R&D Policy in Schumpeterian Growth Theory. Theoretical Economics  Letters, 12, 1539-1558. 

Guerra, A., Maraki, M., Massenot, B., & Thöni, C. (2022). Deterrence, settlement, and litigation under adversarial versus inquisitorial systems. Public Choice.

Guimarans, D., & Padrón, S. (2022). A stochastic approach for planning airport ground support resources. Intl. Trans. in Op. Res., vol. 29(6), pp. 3316-3345. 

Hohage, T., Maréchal, P., Simar, L., & Vanhems, A. (2022). A mollifier approach to the deconvolution of probability densities. Econometric Theory, 1-40. 

Ivaldi, M., Petrova, M., & Urdanoz M. (2022). Airline cooperation effects on airfare distribution: An auction-model-based approach, Transport Policy, vol. 115, pp. 239-250.

Klarsfeld, A. & Galy, N. (2022). L’écart de rémunération entre femmes et hommes : un éclairage à partir d’une analyse des stages de fin d’études en management. @GRH, 43, 143-169. 

Lafforgue, G., & Lorang, E. (2022). Recycling under environmental, climate and resource constraints, Resource and Energy Economics, vol. 67, 101278.

Le Bris, D., & Tallec, R. (2022). The European marriage pattern and the sensitivity of female age at marriage to economic context. Montesquieu-Volvestre, 1660–1789. Cliometrica.

Martin-Flores, J.M., Petit-Romec, A. (2022). External governance and capital structure: evidence from media coverage. Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting / Revista Española de Financiación y Contabilidad, vol. 51 (2), pp. 183-212.

Menezes Bezerra Sampaio, R., & Urdanoz Erviti, M. (2022). Airlines' cooperation in the US domestic market: Measuring the evolution of price gaps, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, vol. 166, pp. 424-443. 

Menuet, M., & Sekeris, P.G. (2022). Engaging in Wars of Attrition. Annals of Economics and Statistics, 147, 79-100. 

Nyawa, S., Tchuente, D. & Fosso-Wamba, S. (2022). COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy: a social media analysis using deep learning. Ann Oper Res.

Solinas, G., Meloso, D., Banal-Estanol, A., Seldeslachts, J., and Kretschmer, T. (2022). Competition, formal governance, and trust in alliances: An experimental study. Long Range Planning , 55(5) 

Tchuente, D., Nyawa, S. (2022). Real estate price estimation in French cities using geocoding and machine learning. Ann Oper Res 308, 571–608.