Finance Economics and Econometrics Lab

Seminar Series

2023 - 2024

 Seminar Financed by the TEPREM project

Speaker: Chiara Conti (Sapienza U, Rome).

Title:Privacy protection and AI-based pharmaceutical innovation: Friends or foes?

joint with A. D’Annunzio (TBS) and P. Reverberi (Sapienza U, Rome)

Date: Thursday, May 23rd at 12h30 (Paris Time).


Abstract: We study private incentives to invest in a targeted treatment for an eligible patient group based on collected personal health data, and compare them with the social optimum. Patients must be compensated for sharing health data, since they incur privacy risks and can partially free ride on the public good nature of data-driven pharmaceutical innovation. As long as in equilibrium total costs of data collection are greater (lower) than aggregate privacy risks, the firm may underinvest (overinvest) in the targeted treatment. The resulting outcome is contingent on the compensation scheme that the firm is able to implement. Privacy protection measures reducing patients’ risks of sharing health data can align private investment incentives with social goals. If such measures are not effective, then a central (public) agency in charge of managing patients’ health data should be cautious in providing sensitive data for medical research.


Here are links to the speaker’s website, the FEELab website and the TEPREME project website:

You are cordially invited to participate in the following seminar of the FEELab, which will take place in Room 101, Bosco building

For more information, please contact: Anna D’Annunzio or Pierre Mella-Barral