
Only the original Marion station remains today, but none of the other stations remain. Between the site of the Tremont station and Ferring Hill Rd. there is still old tracks, and where the train used to cross the Sippican River there are still the posts for the bridge. There is a stone bridge going onto Goodspeed Island near the site of the Mattapoisett Station, and there is the cement post for a signal and a whistle post in the yards of some residents who live there. On spots along where the tracks used to go you can still find the occasional spike and a few railroad ties, plus sometimes stones that used to line the tracks and peaces of coal/clinker (the bi-product of coal.) The Phoenix Rail Trail now goes from railroad wharf where the Fairhaven Depot used to be, to the site of the Mattapoisett Station.

Photos left to right: The rail that is still there near where Tremont Station was, the Papermill Rd. crossing (re-paved, does not cross anymore, courtesy of,) the Sippican River bridge (courtesy of google maps,) a signal post, a whistle post, and the bike path near the site of the Mattapoisett Station (currently under construction.)