Social Media Guide

Brand consistency is one way that the Fraser Basin Council (FBC)'s Youth Program delivers messages aligned with its core values. It ensures that our brand is easily recognizable across all marketing channels and touch points. This creates a cohesive consistent brand identity and unified experience for both existing and potential collaborators.

Materials created by or for Fraser Basin Council (FBC)'s Youth Program should demonstrate how its initiatives are:

  • Fun!

  • Collaborative, include diverse perspectives

  • Timely and relevant to the current discourse around sustainability and climate action

  • Upbeat, positive, and productive

This guide contains social media goals, visual best practices, posting checklists and more! Check out the menu to locate what you're looking for.

Tell the FBC Youth Story

Use pictures to demonstrate what FBC Youth Program is all about! Show key staff members, highlight events and activities.

Highlight People

The FBC Youth Program is youth focused and as such it is important to highlight people in the photos. The context people are in should be reflective of the emotions and body language in the photos. For example, a classroom might show students looking engaged or curious whereas a sporting event might show joy or determination.