Fatam Younis' Maker Jounal

About Me

Hello , I’m fatma hamdy industrial design student in the fourth year at faculty of applied arts , industrial design department , I have passion in industrial design I'm always looking for solutions for people's problems and trying to make people feel better through the product design methodology and design thinking I'm Skilled in AutoCAD , Adobe Photoshop, illustrator ,sketching, Product design , Design Thinking ,Microsoft Word ,Microsoft Excel.

My first year project at the department was booth stand , geometric shapes , acrylic clock

Some of my sketches

A sketch is a quick and rough drawing and gives a brief account or general outline

sketching is a rapidly executed freehand drawing that is not usually intended as a finished work but is an amazing tool as it allows designers to quickly visualize multiple design concepts.

Sketching plays important role in industrial designers life .the basic tool to communicate ideas and present design . Sketching is a powerful process to use because it always helps discover the best ideas and solutions to design problem. It is a difficult task to ‘freestyle’ a complex design out of midair without hashing out the details. This is why sketching will remain an important step in the design and development process.

Maquet model process

Designing and develop production line of "cheddar cheese"

Maquet scale : 1:50

A handmade models of the factory machines from cardboard .

Design semiotics of the top loading washing machine "control panel'