A detailed PDF version of my CV can be found here and my PSI Essay (Master's thesis equivalent) here


Stanford University, 2019 - Present

PhD in Applied Physics

Perimeter Institute, 2018-2019

Perimeter Scholars International

Bogazici University, 2014-2018

Double Major in Physics and EE

Journal Publications

  1. F. Dinc, L. E. Hayward, and A. M. Branczyk , “Multidimensional super- and subradiance in waveguide quantum electrodynamics,” Physical Review Research (2020)

  2. F. Dinc, “Diagrammatic approach for analytical non-Markovian time evolution: Fermi's two-atom problem and causality in waveguide quantum electrodynamics,” Physical Review A (2020)

  3. F. Dinc and A. M. Branczyk , “Non-Markovian super-superradiance in a linear chain of up to 100 qubits,” Physical Review Research (2019)

  4. F. Dinc, I. Ercan and A. M. Branczyk, “Exact Markovian and non-Markovian time dynamics in waveguide QED: collective interactions, bound states in continuum, superradiance and subradiance,” Quantum (2019)

  5. F. Dinc and I. Ercan, “Quantum Mechanical Treatment of Two-Level Atoms Coupled to Continuum with an Ultraviolet Cutoff,” Journal of Physics A: Theoretical and Mathematical (2018)

  6. F. Dinc and I. Ercan, “Single Photon Two-Level Atom Interactions in 1-D Dielectric Waveguide: Quantum Mechanical Formalism and Applications,” Optical and Quantum Electronics (2018)

  7. F. Dinc, O. Ertop, G. Sonmez, P. Zhao, A. N. Raegen, J. A. Forrest, S. Mutlu, “Increased Yield of MoS2 Monolayer Exfoliation Through the Bimetallic Corrosion of Aluminum,” Applied Physics Letters (2018)

  8. F. Dinc, L. Thiele, B. C. Akdeniz, “The Effective Geometry Monte Carlo Algorithm: Applications to Molecular Communication,” Physics Letters A (2019)

  9. F. Dinc, B. C. Akdeniz, A. E. Pusane and T. Tugcu, “A General Analytic Approximation to Impulse Response of 3-D Microfluidic Channels in Molecular Communication,” IEEE: Transactions on Nanobioscience (2019)

  10. F. Dinc, B. C. Akdeniz, A. E. Pusane and T. Tugcu, “Impulse Response of the Channel with a Spherical Absorbing Receiver and a Spherical Reflecting Boundary,” IEEE: Transactions on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications (2019)

  11. F. Dinc, M. Medvidovic, L. Thiele, “Effective Geometry Monte Carlo: A Fast and Reliable Simulation Framework for Molecular Communication,” IEEE: Access (2019)

  12. F. Dinc, B. C. Akdeniz, E. Erol, D. Gokay, E. Tekgul, A. E. Pusane and T. Tugcu, “Analytical derivation of the impulse response for the bounded 2-D diffusion channel,” Physics Letters A (2019)

  13. F. Dinc, “Analytical estimation for the impulse response of an n-dimensional diffusion channel with an absorbing receiver,” Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical (2019)

Research Experience

Schnitzer Group, Stanford University Sep 2019 – Present

in vivo experiments for understanding working memory recollection mechanisms in mice

Soft Matter Group, University of Waterloo Sep 2018 – Jun 2019

AFM and photolumniscence measurements of exfoliated thin-layer materials

Quantum Optics+ Theory Group, Perimeter Institute Sep 2018 – Jun 2019

first systematic study of photon-mediated interactions in multi-dimensional quantum networks as my master thesis

Quantum Computing Research Group, Bogazici University Feb 2016 – Aug 2018

research on real space formalism for describing light-matter interactions in waveguide QED

BUMEMS Laboratory, Bogazici University Sep 2017 – Aug 2018

developed corrotion assited exfoliation technique for ultrathin materials as my bachelor thesis

Wireless Communications Laboratory, Bogazici University Nov 2017 – Aug 2018

analytical investigations of diffusion equation for non-trivial boundary conditions, applications to molecular communication

Quantum Photonics Group, ETH Zurich Jun 2017 – Aug 2017

experimental and theoretical investigations of excitonic interactions

Javey Research Lab, UC Berkeley Sep 2016 – Dec 2016

exfoliation of ultrathin materials such as transition metal dichalcogenides


speedy speed in Geneva

My cat > Schrodinger's cat

Graduation with family

TT for life!