
For grad school/personal academic development questions: I try my best to answer reasonable and non-personal academic development questions that are sent my way, though I may not be able to answer questions at certain times when I am unexpectedly busy. Please do not send me email for queries of this type, rather I prefer to use Twitter for answering such questions. Occasionally, I do Q&A sessions and public office hours. You can use those times as well.

For research queries: If you want to do research with me through one of my collaborations, please feel free to reach out via email. In order to decrease the number of cold emails, please do at least one of the following in the initial collaboration request:

  • A cover letter, explaining why you want to work with me and how many hours you are willing to put into work for how long (weeks? months?). I have worked on various topics so far, so please specify which topic you are interested in.

  • Read one related paper (could be mine) and summarize its main findings on your own words. Make further suggestions for future work.

Please make sure you understand that I am just a PhD student and working with me might not be the best option you currently have. Feel free to reach out to more experienced others who can better help you with your career goals.