Foreign Workers & Sponsor Licence

Level 2 and Tier 5 Migrants

Under the Points Based System (PBS), Tiers 2 and 5 are the principle movement courses for non-EEA transients who wish to work in the UK.

Level 2 Route

There are four distinct classes under the level 2 course – Tier 2 General (to supporter for talented specialists), Tier 2 Intra-Company Transfer (to move abroad business to the UK part of the organization), Tier 2 Sportsperson (to support first class sportspeople and mentors) and Tier 2 Minister of Religion (to support strict laborers).

Level 5 Route

There are two fundamental classes under the level 5 course – Tier 5 Temporary Worker (to support transitory laborers for associations with social, altruistic, strict or global destinations) and Tier 5 Youth Mobility Scheme (to support youngsters matured somewhere in the range of 18 and 30 for social trade plans).

UKVI Compliance Audits

When the business has been conceded a support permit and starts supporting non-EEA transients, it's basic to conform to the UKVI guidelines and satisfy the sponsorship obligations.

UKVI will have evaluated the suitable frameworks of the business required to support representatives during the hour of support permit application. When the business begins utilizing non-EEA transients, it's urgent to follow the guidelines and complete those sponsorship obligations.

The UKVI reviews the consistence of each Tier 2 support in any event once and they can go up to review the business even with no earlier data. The review for the most part includes UKVI surveying the business' capacity to consent to support permit obligations, for example, having a framework set up to catch key representative data including non-attendances, visa expiry dates and changes in worker status.

Most businesses utilize the ability of migration law offices to help keep up the UKVI support permit consistence and to guarantee everything is set up according to the UKVI necessities.

Need Help Applying for Sponsor License?

At Devisers Consultancy, we have a committed group of experienced attorneys who can help you during the time spent applying for the UKVI support permit and utilizing non-EEA transients. We can likewise help your workers in making a substantial level 2 or level 5 application and prompt on keeping up long haul UKVI consistence.

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