College Performance
An Overview
Over the past 5 years, Grossmont College has been examining a number of key performance indicators, both overall and disaggregated by race/ethnicity at a minimum, to assess progress toward the full realization of the 2016-2022 strategic priorities. As we move forward into this new strategic plan, we are grounding our discussion on some of these same performance indicators to help us identify our previous successes and opportunities for focus in the 2022-2026 strategic plan.
successful course completion
Over the past five years, the overall course success rates across all Grossmont classes remained relatively steady, increasing from 68% in Fall 2016 to 71% in Fall 2019, then declining again to 70% in Fall 2020.
Equity gaps remained relatively consistent across most groups, with equity gaps noted for:
Latinx students (65% in Fall 2020, down from 66% in Fall 2019)
Native American students (62% in Fall 2020, down from 68% in Fall 2019)
Pacific Islander students (59% in Fall 2020, down from 64% in Fall 2019)
Male students, whose success rate was consistently 3 to 5 percentage points lower than those for female students
Math and English Throughput
In 2018, Grossmont College implemented a new approach to both placement and course sequencing for students in English. Math would later engage in this work as well in 2019. In addition, both departments also engaged in equity-focused professional development and created communities of practice. As a result, over the past five cohorts...
The percentage of all first-time students who successfully completed transfer-level math:
Increased from 18% to 32% overall, but equity gaps persisted
Increased from 6% to 23% for Black or African-American students
Increased from 15% to 28% for Latinx students
When looking at just the first-time students who enrolled in a math course in their first academic year, the percentage of students who successfully completed transfer-level math within a year of first enrolling in a math course:
Increased from 29% to 52% overall
Increased from 12% to 40% for Black or African-American students
Increased from 22% to 47% for Latinx students
Increased substantially from 27% to 58% (+31%) for female students
The percentage of all first-time students who successfully completed transfer-level English:
Increased from 25 to 45% overall, but equity gaps continue
Increased from 14% to 38% for Black or African-American students
Increased from 25% to 46% for Latinx students
Increased more for female students (from 27% to 49%) than for male students (from 24% to 40%)
When looking at just the first-time students who enrolled in an English course in their first academic year, the percentage of students who successfully completed transfer-level English within a year of first enrolling in an English course:
Increased from 44% to 67% overall
Increased from 28% to 66% for Black or African-American students
Increased from 40% to 64% for Latinx students
Overall fall-to-fall persistence rates decreased between the Fall 2015 and Fall 2019 cohorts, from 58% to 54%
Equity gaps in fall-to-fall persistence rates were consistent for the following Fall 2019 cohort groups:
African American or Black students (46%)
Native American students (42%)
Students that identified as Two or More races (49%)
Male students (51%, compared to 57% for female students)
Overall fall-to-spring persistence rates also decreased from 74% to 66% between Fall 2016 and Fall 2020 cohorts
Equity gaps in fall-to-spring persistence rates were consistent for the following Fall 2020 cohort groups:
African American or Black students (58%)
Native American students (50%)
Pacific Islander students (46%)
Male students (63%, compared to 69% for female students)
Completion, Transfer & Career outcomes
First-time, Full-Time Student Graduation Rate
Overall, while the College's graduation rate has increased over the past 4 years, still only 38% of all first-time, full-time students complete an associate degree within 4 years.
When the time frame is shortened to 3 years, even fewer students graduate and equity gaps are significant:
Overall 3-year graduation rate (2017 cohort) was just 31%
Graduation rate for Black or African American students was 20%
Graduation rate for Latinx students was 25%
Graduation rate for Pacific Islander students was 30%
The largest number of Grossmont College transfers were into the CSU system (959 in 2019-20), followed by out-of-state institutions (246), and the UC system (138)
Among CSU transfers, Black or African American students and Latinx students were underrepresented
Among UC transfers, Latinx students and Native American students were underrepresented
Career Outcomes: Living Wage Attainment
Among students who exited Grossmont College (and the CCC system) in 2018-19 but did not transfer, 33% attained a living wage (at least $36,705 in annual income in 2018).
Latinx students (31%) and Multiracial students (25%) were underrepresented among students who attained a living wage
33% of exiting female students attained a living wage, compared to 34% of exiting male students