October 29th Breakout Groups

Group 1: Service Area Demographics & GC Students

Click here to access Group 1's breakout notes page.

Facilitator: Sharon Sampson

Note-taker: Lara Braff

Group 2: Labor Market Info & GC Students

Click here to access Group 2's breakout notes page.

Facilitator: Danielle Feliciano

Note-taker: Victoria Rodriguez

Group 3: Employee & Student Demographics

Click here to access Group 3's breakout notes page.

Facilitator: Karen Hern

Note-taker: Kelly Menck

Group 4: English, ESL & Math Outcomes

Click here to access Group 4's breakout notes page.

Facilitator: Courtney Williams

Note-taker: Carmen Hernandez

Group 5: GC Student Momentum Outcomes

Click here to access Group 5's breakout notes page.

Facilitator: Alexis Brown

Note-taker: Veronica Rosales

Group 6: GC Student Awards, Transfer, & Employment Data

Click here to access Group 6's breakout notes page.

Facilitator: Tate Hurvitz

Note-taker: Rochelle Weiser