Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Social Justice

Thursday 9:15 - Panel: Social Justice in Making: Building our Empathy and Action Skill Sets

Join the conversation as we discuss the ways in which Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice can shape how we show up in this world to new challenges and look for ways to take action.

Thursday 10:30 - Social Justice In The Makerspace

In advance of Thursday morning’s time on this topic, there are a number of background pieces you may complete to fully “tune in” to our work together in this area. LINK


The process of developing a critical awareness of one’s social reality through reflection and action. Action is fundamental because it is the process of changing the reality. Paulo Freire says that we all acquire social myths which have a dominant tendency, and so learning is a critical process which depends upon uncovering real problems and actual needs.

Thursday 10:30

PRIMER: Social Justice In The Makerspace: Creating A More Equitable MakerSpace and Maker Experience For All

Prior to our time together Thursday morning at the FabPlay Institute, we ask participants to consider the below Prework items. Our hope is to frame approaches to equity through a social justice lens, provide examples of lived experiences, and focus inward on our own identities and experiences that shape our approach to teaching, and our cultural sensitivities to design spaces, and ultimately, our students.

Full PRIMER Document: Prework Primer Doc

Additional Resources: Postwork and Further Resources

Review of NAIS Norms

  • In addition to overall FabPlay Institute Norms, we will introduce additional norms when participating in conversations around equity and social justice.

  • These are not the only norms out there, just ones we know have been tested and worked in these settings before

  • We appreciate and accept additional norms and will call for those as we start our time on Thursday.

Thursday 9:15

Panel: Social Justice in Making: Building our Empathy and Action Skill Sets

DEIJ Panel and Resources

Research & Article
