2020 Virtual Conference

Instagram @HawkenFabPlay


With COVID-19 and recent political, economic, and social unrest in the United States heavy on our minds, we revised and updated our format for this summer’s FabPlay Institute. Given Ohio Governor DeWine’s protocols for gatherings and considerations of best practices for any participant’s health and safety, we shifted to a virtual conference format to connect as a community. Our participants collaborated in creating the conference experience, building a flexible and unique format to our meetings, one of the core values we were able to establish last summer for this Institute. Via ZOOM, we offered a mix of networking and community forming, planned prescribed sessions, and unconference-style flow time to allow the space and time to gather and make. To facilitate information gathering and sharing, we built a new website which will live on with an archive of all sessions, collaborative notes documents from those sessions, presenter contact information, and slide decks. The virtual meeting option enabled participants to join for all or part of the Institute and also brought in our first out-of-state attendees (CA & CT) and several Collegiate Faculty as panelists, presenters, or participants. 


54 Registered Participants 

High attendance was 27 for the “Social Justice in Making Panel”

21 Different schools

3 days of hands on PD and Workshops

1 networking evening/social virtual gathering

Each day concluded with showcases of participants’ projects

8 Hawken Faculty Presenting

Continual support offered from Hawken technology Staff

23 Different Sessions and Workshops

No-fee conference, with no costs leaves Institute account at approx $2000 surplus

Session Topics Include:

Setting up Makerspaces & Fab Labs

Makerspace 301: Advanced Makerspace leaders open dialogue

Social Justice in the Makerspace

Social Justice & Making: Panel, moderated by Darnell Epps

Maker Protocols to Challenge Cultures of Power

PBL in the Elementary Classroom

STEM in the Makerspace

Setting Up For Making At Home

Assessing For Creativity

CS and Computational & Design Thinking

Micro-controllers & Coding (Arduinos, Raspberry PI, Bits)

Electronics & Simple Circuits

Digital Fabrication Tool Set Rotation (Laser Cutter, Vinyl Cutter, CNC Mill, 3D Printing, Embroidery

Participating Schools:

Hawken School

Cleveland Metropolitan School District

Brecksville-Broadview Heights City Schools

Westerville City Schools

Reynoldsburg City Schools

Mandel Jewish School

Tremont Montessori

Orange City Schools

Mayfield City Schools

Hathaway Brown

Laurel School

Amherst City Schools

eHOVE School

St. Matthew’s School

West Geauga Schools

Ruffing Montessori

Daniel Hand HS (CT)

Viewpoint School (CA)

Brentwood School (CA)

Columbia University

Northwestern University

Otterbein University

The Ohio State University

Lorain County Community College

Lakeland Community College HIVE Makerspace

Ignite Project Showcases

The showcase becomes a series of fun and fast 5 minute show-and-tell sessions where presenters have 4 slides to share a project or concept that will bring new and refreshing ideas to the Institute. This is an open invitation for all conference participants to present work at 3:00 on Wednesday and/or Thursday.  (5 minutes, 4 slides, 1 Awesome Project)

 Wednesday Ignite Slide Deck shares projects that either focus on cultural awareness, speak to diversity and social justice, are school-wide or community based.

Thursday Ignite Slide Deck shares projects from all grade levels that demonstrate the added value of a makerspace and that fully engage students across content areas, connect to content standards, speak to identity and personalization, or are go to projects for digital fabrication

Personal Ignite Slide Deck shares personal projects that you have been working on. We would love to see what our Maker Educators are making.

SuperPower Trading Cards

The institute will open up on Tuesday night with a few extra Superheroes in the room. Design your own SuperPower Trading Card with origins, skills sets, and energizers, to introduce yourself and share contact information with other participants. We can't exchange business cards but we can you to our network of Super-Maker-Heroes.  

To get started visit the trading card SuperPower Design Page

Tuesday, July 7th 

7:30 - 8:30 EDT Kickoff Evening 

Design Your own Fab Play Trading Card

Meet New friends and join an awesome network (Breakout rooms)

Learn more about the schedule of events, sessions and presenters

Wednesday July 8th

Developing a Maker Mindset

9:00 Welcome & Introductions

Pre-Reading The Spirit of Professional Development

9:30 Developing a Maker Mindset  - Jodie Ricci, Yerko Sepulveda

Collaborative Session NotesMURAL Weblink

The framework for teaching. thinking, and learning is an essential component of maker-centered education. In this presentation, we will discuss the who, what, how, and why of maker-centered education and offer ideas for helping students develop an empowered disposition towards change. 

11:00 Break

11:15 Making as an Act of Representation: A hands-on Protocol to Challenge Cultures of Power - Yerko Sepulveda 

Collaborative Session NotesMURAL Weblink

It is widely believed that students who engage in maker education develop critical and creative thinking to better understand and serve the needs of others. However, it is not a given. An effort to innovate and develop critical pedagogy that nurtures more inclusive, equitable, and just learning spaces is a must in today’s world. The present workshop presents the creation and implementation of a teaching protocol to analyze cultures of power in maker education. This workshop offers the theoretical frameworks used to create the protocol, a step by step process to use the protocol in the classroom, and finally, it will showcase the participants’ experiences during this session. 

1:00 Lunch Break

2:00 Makerspace Best Practices Workshop (2 Sessions)

Makerspace 101  - Anna Delia & Sarah Wallace

Slide PresentationCollaborative Session Notes

Panel and open discussion for attendees that are newer to the Maker & Fab world. Hear about some guiding philosophies, access to spaces, finding the right machines, room layouts, frugal fab labs, mobile labs and more. 

MakerSpace 301 - Open Discussion - Facilitated By Nick DiGiorgio & Corey Rice

Collaborative Session NotesMURAL WeblinkGoogle Slide Deck

Open discussion for advanced users in the Maker & Fab world. Let’s share our best tips and techniques and map out a web of go to  resources. Let’s connect  with others as we continue to be lifelong makers, always looking to find a different, sometimes better way, to do things.

3:00 Ignite Project Showcase* Part 1:DEPTH

Wednesday Ignite Slide DeckCollaborative Session Notes

We invite you to also share your expertise, experience and maker projects through our Ignite Project Showcases. The showcase becomes a series of fun and fast 5 minute show-and-tell sessions where presenters have 4 slides to share a project or concept that will bring new and refreshing ideas to the Institute. This is an open invitation for all conference participants to present work. 

Add your slides to this Wednesday Ignite Slide Deck to share projects that either focus on cultural awareness, speak to diversity and social justice, are school-wide or community based.

4:00 Closing Statements

Thursday July 9th

Strengthening Your Capacities and Skills Sets

9:00 Welcome & Introductions

9:15 Panel: Social Justice in Making: Building our Empathy and Action Skill Sets

Fab Play Resource PageCollaborative Session Notes

Join the conversation as we discuss the ways in which Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice can shape how we show up in this world to new challenges and look for ways to take action.  Moderated by Darnell Epps  (Hawken School)

10:00 Break

10:30 Morning Workshops (2 Sessions)

Social Justice in the Makerspace: Creating a More Equitable Makerspace - Leah Jackson, Anna Delia

Collaborative Session NotesSlide Presentation  Workshop PrimerPostwork Opportunities  

STEM in the Makerspaces: Connecting What We Make to Content Standards, Real-World Problems, Careers, and a Passion for STEM  

Slide PresentationCollaborative Session Notes

11:30-12:15 Un-Conference Sessions 

Topics for these breakout sessions will be determined by participants based on interest. We will break into 4-5 rooms for a deeper discussion on topics that are selected. 

12:15 Lunch Break

12:45 Main Room - Session Information

12:50 - 1:40 (50 minutes)

Collaborative Session Notes
Collaborative Session NotesSlide Presentation

1:40 - 2:20 (40 minutes)

Slide Presentation Collaborative Session Notes
Collaborative Session Notes

2:20-2:50 (30 minutes)

Collaborative Session Notes 

3:00 Ignite Showcase* Part 2: BREADTH

Collaborative Session Notes

We invite you to also share your expertise, experience and maker projects through our Ignite Project Showcases. The showcase becomes a series of fun and fast 5 minute show-and-tell sessions where presenters have 4 slides to share a project or concept that will bring new and refreshing ideas to the Institute. This is an open invitation for all conference participants to present work. 

Add your slides to this Thursday Ignite Slide Deck to share projects from all grade levels that demonstrate the added value of a makerspace and that fully engage students across content areas, connect to content standards, speak to identity and personalization, or are go to projects for digital fabrication

Friday, July 10th

Creativity and Refining Your Craft (Skill Sets)

9:00 Welcome

9:05 Keynote: Assessing for Creativity - Jodie Ricci

Cultivating creativity is an act of equity. How we define creativity and how we assess for creativity matters. How do we change the power structure of creativity so we can support students in developing this essential disposition? This immersive workshop is designed to help PreK-12 teachers and administrators cultivate, assess, and restore creativity for all. Participants will use thinking routines to build a collective understanding of creativity and explore formative assessment tools that make the process of creativity visible.  

MURAL - used during workshopInstructions for Filling In the Mural (Google Doc)Collaborative Notes for this Session

Learning Objectives

Break - The reaming part of the afternoon is a full schedule. 

10:30-3:00 Makerspace, Fab Lab Tools, Machines, & Workshops 

10:30 - 11:15 (45 minutes)

Presentation Slides Collaborative Notes Doc                          
Woodworking and CNC Presentation SlidesCollaborative Notes Doc

11:15-12:00 (45 minutes) 

Collaborative Notes Doc
Presentation SlidesCollaborative Notes Doc            

12:00 - 12:45 (45 minutes) 

Slide PresentationCollaborative Notes Doc
Presentation SlidesCollaborative Notes Doc

12:45-1:00 Break (15 Minutes)

1:00 - 1:45 (45 minutes) 

Collaborative Notes DocPresentation Link
Collaborative Notes Doc

1:45- 2:30  (45 minutes) 

Collaborative Notes Doc
Collaborative Notes Doc

2:30 Closing Session  

Join us for the closing session and some new information

& Continued Conversations

Signup to hold your own ZOOM chat hangout rooms