Mozfest 2021 Turtlestitch Workshops

As a group we decided to join in Mozfest 2021, an online event.

We made an opening presentation on the theme Global Culture and Heritage, followed by 'fringe' workshops for participants to try Turtlestitch, and a closing session for exhibiting and discussing what was achieved.

We used the recommended Miro software as an online whiteboard to capture the experience, and this page includes some of that as a record.

Firstly, our opening presentation –

The red-barred slides in the Miro come from it.

Secondly, the conversations during our opening presentation – these are represented by the central area of sticky notes and are reproduced below so you can read:

We also had a world map for people to show where they were from:

Some chat about the presentation:

And of course, a Turtlestitch project to make the Global Culture and Heritage logo: