Design Process

steps to take:

  1. Define the Problem

  2. Generate Alternative Solution

  3. Evaluate & Select a Solution

  4. Detail the Design

  5. Defend the Design

  6. Manufacture & Test

  7. Evaluate the Performance

  8. Prepare the Final design Report

(1)Problem to Overcome: For this week we have to know how to use TinkerPad and RockSim in order to design a two stage rocket capable of launching CO2 capture device. One main porblem we faced was how to use the rocksim softwares to create a rocket. Since none of us has previous experiences with aerospace engineering, it was a challenge for us to build a two stage rocket.

(2)Brainstorm: We came up with different ways to build a two stage rocket. For example, we looked at the sample programs in the RockSim and tried to brainstorm designs of our own based on the sample programs. We also watched tutorial videos and played around the software in ordere to get familiarized with the software.

(3)Decision Time: We decided to base our designs on two sample designs: Viking and another one in the complex rocket file. We created a new file based on the alpha rocket sample program and started to modify it. For the research paper, we divided the paper into three equally important parts and worked on them independtly.

(4)Distinctive Details: As a group we collaborated together to finish the research paper, RockSim rocket, and TinkerPad 3D design. For the RockSim software, we switched around the location and the materials of each component in order to gain a better understanding of the rocket. Specifically, we adjusted the ID, OD, location of the inner tube several times in order to fit the streamer, parachute, launch logm, and fin onto it.

(5)Why is it the best: We can't guarantee it is the best design since there are so many factors affecting the rocket performance, including materials, position, engine, locations, etc. However, the design is the best in the way that everyone in the group tried his/her best and showed dedication as well as determination to solve challenges. Therefore, as a group we are confident that everyone tried the best of his/her ability.

(6)Testing Process: We failed several times in launching the rocket. Since the software can not locate the engines. It took us a long time to re-examine the rocket and figured out what's wrong with our design. Also, we struggled with what type of engines we used to launch the rocket. It semes that every part of the rocket can affect the maximmum flying attitude of the rocket and the time to reach the ground.

(7)Rocket Performance: We believed that our rocket is safe to launch and to land steadily with a parachute. We collaborated with each other and showed respect for others' ideas. To add on, we can better optimize our rocket by changing the components and their masses.

(8)Is It Prepared: Yes this is our final design report.