Why you need to buy exclusive mortgage leads over everything else

Exclusive Versus Non Exclusive Leads

When it comes down to purchasing online mortgage leads, there is a lot of information to consider. One of the most common questions asked is in regards to purchasing exclusive mortgage leads versus non-exclusive mortgage leads. In this article we will take you through the pros and cons of purchasing both exclusive mortgage leads and non-exclusive mortgage leads and hopefully this information will help you make the best decision for your situation. We would like to start out with the understanding that neither of these options are inherently bad or negative. Both exclusive mortgage leads and non-exclusive mortgage leads have advantages and disadvantages of being purchased. You can learn all you need to know here.

Let’s first look at what is considered an exclusive mortgage lead. What’s that? You don’t think the definition of “exclusive” is the same from one lead provider to another? You might be right! According to our research, the first step in figuring out what type of lead is best for you to purchase, set up some criteria as to what the definition of “exclusive” is to you. Does it mean that only 1 person on the planet has been given the lead? Does it mean that only 2 people have the lead, and it’s given to each at the same time so by definition there has been no other attempt on this lead. Maybe more, does it mean that once you buy the lead the company isn’t going to sell the exact same lead as a non-exclusive lead? Since you're more likely to close an exclusive leads due to less competition it can help you multiply your revenue.

It’s also important to remember that there will always be a pricing difference between exclusive mortgage leads versus non-exclusive mortgage leads. Making the right decision for you depends a great deal on the pricing that is available and the budget that you have set aside for your lead purchase. For example, if your lead purchase budget is $500 here is how differently exclusive versus non-exclusive leads might look. An exclusive telemarketing generated lead could cost anywhere from $40-90 per lead. That would mean that your budget of $500 would get you between 6-12 exclusive mortgage leads. That’s not too bad if the leads have a high close ratio. If you were to compare that same budget to purchasing a non-exclusive lead you might be able to find leads around $10-20 per lead (or much lower if you are willing to purchase “older” leads). That means you’ll be able to afford 25-50 non-exclusive mortgage leads.

Non-exclusive leads are harder to close, so you might find that a majority of the leads you purchase are either extraordinary hard to get ahold of, already working with someone, or no longer interested but there still might be a few that are worth your time. On the other hand, what’s to say the leads you purchase that are exclusive are not any different? The trick is to try to balance out your internet lead purchase with a mix from both categories. This will help you maximize the number of leads that you purchase as well as keep the quality of leads as high as possible without relying solely one type of lead.