Get The Most Out of Your Exclusive Mortgage Leads

Tricks to Maximizing Your Mortgage Leads

No matter what the state of the economy or the industry, trying to get the most out of your money or investment is always a wise idea and smart business move. If you’re looking for ways to maximize your mortgage leads then you’ve come to the right place. In this short article we will cover just a few ways that you can maximize your mortgage leads and make the most out of you investment. If you want to learn all you want to know about mortgage leads.

While this first point is going to seem trite and pretty basic, you’ll have to excuse us for being so blunt. You need to make contact with the prospect to maximize your mortgage lead. Yes, yes, we know that making contact isn’t always as simple as picking up the phone and calling once (or twice). You’re going to have to be persistent. Sometimes that persistence means doing things you don’t really want to do, so we’ll break this down for you. Mortgage leads are generated by a few means these days, direct mail, the internet, email marketing, social media, referrals, and telemarketing. One of the best ways to ensure you make contact is to exhaust every means of contact that you might have for the prospect. If you have a phone number, email, and address; use all of them! Multiple times!! You need to be aggressive and creative in your attempt to contact the prospect and that’s going to make the difference of getting business or having a cold/dead lead.

If you’re looking for inventive ways to make first contact, try to be professional but also try to imagine what would make you want to get in touch with you. By all means, don’t try to be too creative and don’t lie to get prospects to contact you. Leaving messages that sound too scripted can be killing you. Don’t bombard the prospect with multiple phone messages, try to only leave one. When it comes to email, be creative and inventive. Let some of your personality come through what you’re doing, but don’t overdo it. You’re a finance professional not a clown.

Keep notes as to when you’re trying to make contact with the prospect. If you really want to maximize your exclusive mortgage leads you’ll make sure that you call at different times each attempt instead of calling for a few days at 4:30 and then deciding the lead is crap because nobody ever answers. Make a wide range of attempts and see if you improve your overall contact ratio. Additionally, if you come across leads that you cannot get ahold of, try taking your notes to you lead provider and asking if they are willing to exchange the lead for another. Don’t expect them to give you another top shelf lead each time, but they should be willing to work with you in hopes of keeping your business in the future.

When you do make contact, keep in contact. No matter the scenario, make sure you have a follow up system that keeps you in contact with all your business clients. Even if you were not able to close business with them, you should have a follow up system that emails, mails, and then attempts a phone conversation at regular intervals. If you’re really a top loan officer there might even be “events” like BBQ’s that you invite your “best” clients to (who’s to say all of them aren’t your best).

Lastly, make an impact on your relationship with each lead as to who you are and how you do business. So many loan officers try to rush through the process with the leads they purchase they are not maximizing their mortgage leads at all. Give each person excellent service and get a relationship started with them. Taking the time to learn about the prospects’ family and friends might mean that next month or a few months from now you’ll be getting their referral business and have to spend less money on buying internet leads.