General Google Image Info

Reverse Image Search

Do you have an image, possibly unclear or pixellated, but can’t remember where you found it? It’s super easy to re-find it!

  • Go to:
  • Drag and drop your image directly into the search bar or click the little camera to upload from your computer

You can do this with an image on your computer (click here to view a short video of dragging an image from the computer to search) OR with an image found on a search so you can find higher resolution or similar images (click here to view a short video of dragging image within the Chrome browser to search).

What’s up with the Google Image search?

Are you confused and frustrated with the changes to Google images? Didn’t they use to have a button to view the image in a new tab? Why, yes they did. Image giant Getty Images recently sued Google, so in a truce, Google has removed the “View Image” button. Now, when you drag and drop images to your desktop, your images can be grainy and pixelated or you are forced to open the direct link. Fear not! There is a way around this:

  1. Search for you images as usual
  2. Click on the image you would like to use. This will expand the image. Do not drag and drop this image. It (usually) will be pixelated even if you narrow by size.
  3. Right-click (or control+click) to bring up the menu
  4. Select “Open image in new tab”
  5. Go to the new tab. This image will be the full-size image you can drag and drop to your computer.

Here is a brief video illustrating the (mildly annoying) process (click here to view). After a few test runs, you’ll be a champ.