Super cool Google Chrome Tips

Google Chrome has some awesome and underused features you may or may not be aware of. My list was getting too long to insert directly into Bialiktone, so please click here to view a presentation of Five Google Chrome Tips & Tricks (click here).

Awesome Bar (Chrome address bar)

Do you know how many cool things the google address bar can do while you’re working in Chrome? FYI, back in my day, we called it the “Awesome Bar”, now it’s called the Omni Bar. Here are just some of the quick tricks you can use while surfing the net:

  • Built-in calculator: Type any mathematical equation into the google address bar and it will figure the problem out for you. Click here for quick video.
  • Built-in Convertor: Need to know how much CAD is worth in Shekels? How much USD is worth in CAD? The google bar will help! Click here to see gif.
  • Dictionary: Type “definition:word” to find the definition (e.g. definition:pulchritudinous)
  • Search within specific site: e.g. Babe Ruth to go directly to Wikipedia’s page on Babe Ruth. Click here to see quick video.
  • Automatic Timer: Type “Timer X minutes” to bring up a timer

Time: Enter "what time is it" and any location to find out the local time. See quick video here.



Are you a tab-a-holic? You can drag multiple tabs into a new window simultaneously by holding the Command key as you click on each tab and move!

Want to save those tabs for later but don’t want to keep them up on your Chrome forever? Check out one of Abbey’s favourite apps called Onetab (click here to view), where all of the tabs in a window will be saved as an easy-to-view and share list.