Volunteer Requirements

Our String Program is solely run by volunteers, overseen by EWPS Parents & Citizens Association (P&C).  Without volunteers, past & present, we will not be able to achieve what we have done to date and we are very proud we are able to continue to support our school community with our String Program due to support from volunteers.

The String Program needs parental help for things to run smoothly and to give the greatest opportunities to the students. If your child is a part of the String Program you will be expected to help. 

With your help and involvement, this will be an excellent opportunity to be part of your child’s musical journey! 

** Our String Program always needs more help. Parents will be asked to assist with various activities throughout the year, however, if you have any capacity to take on a larger role within the String Committee, please reach out to us.

How can you help?

We thank past and present volunteers who committed time and effort in making our EWPS Strings Program a very successful program. We also thank EWPS P&C, and EWPS school staff & executives in supporting our journey.

What do you need?


When ready, you may submit the declaration form to our String Committee and one of our members will need to sight your identification document - we do not need copies of your identification so please do not send this to us. We only need to sight that the identification provided matches the declaration form and person.

If you have done this at the school office prior to 2023, please advise us. 


Responsbilities of Parent Helpers/Volunteers

Thank you for volunteering as a parent helper for the String Ensemble rehearsals.

The role of a parent helper is rehearsals is an interactive one. The conductor will need your help in moving equipment (tables, chairs, stands etc), assisting with noise control, and minimising disruption of late comers. Parent helper will help all children during rehearsals. 
