In the classroom 

Dr. Gorogianni teaches classes on the ancient world, mainly the Greek and Roman civilizations

Here is a list of current courses taught by Dr. Gorogianni:

In the online environment, Dr. Gorogianni teaches online classes with interactive content (H5P, Padlet, Perusall) and multiple modalities with high rates of student engagement. Dr. Gorogianni's Sports and Society in Ancient Greece and Rome has been recognized as: 

In the in-person classroom, Dr. Gorogianni seeks opportunities to flip the classroom and make classes more interactive, with more discussion and student participation. She also encourages students to become knowledge co-creators with final group video projects. 

Here are some student group projects from Dr. Gorogianni's classes!

Archaeology of Rome (ANTH 314)

Archaeology of Rome (ANTH 314)

Archaeology of Rome (ANTH 314)

Greece (HIST 308)

Women in Ancient Greece and Rome (CLAS 363)

Empires of the Ancient World (HIST 200)