Curriculum Vitae


Ph.D. in Classics, 2008, University of Cincinnati, Department of Classics, Dissertation: Creation Stories: The Archaeological Site of Ayia Irini, Kea and the Production of Archaeological Knowledge. Committee: J.L. Davis, K.M. Lynch, and G. Walberg.

M.A. in Classics, 2003, University of Cincinnati, Department of Classics, Thesis: Middle Helladic Period in Boeotia: A Study of Social Organization. Advisors: J.L. Davis, G. Walberg.

B.A. in Archaeology and Art History, 1997, University of Athens, Faculty of History and Archaeology.

Academic Positions


Quality Matters Certification for Sports and Society in Ancient Greece and Rome course (July 2023) ( )

Faculty Research Committee for the 2020 Summer Fellowship (no. 1867: $10.000), University of Akron, FY 2020; deferred for summer 2021.

Greek Diaspora Fellowship Program (GDFP), granted by the Institute of International Education and the Stavros Niarchos Foundation. Project “Crete and the Aegean islands in the 2nd millennium BC - People, material cultures, ideologies, and the issue of ‘Minoanization’ revisited,” Spring 2020.

Faculty Champion Award (for Experiential Learning), The University of Akron, EX[L] Center, May 3rd, 2019.



Edited volume

Gorogianni, E., P. Pavúk, and L. Girella (eds.). 2016. Beyond Thalassocracies. Understanding Processes of Minoanisation and Mycenaeanisation in the Aegean. Oxford: Oxbow Books.



Articles in Peer Reviewed Journals

Gorogianni, E., N. Abell, and J. Hilditch. 2016. “Reconsidering Technological Transmission: The Introduction of the Fast Potter's Wheel at Ayia Irini Kea Greece.” American Journal of Archaeology 120.2, 195-220.

Gorogianni, E. 2013. “Site in Transition: John L. Caskey, Ayia Irini and Archaeological Practice in Greek Archaeology.” Aegean Archaeology 10 (2009-2010), 105-120.

Gorogianni, E. 2011. “Goddess, Lost Ancestors, and Dolls: A Cultural Biography of the Ayia Irini Terracotta Statues.” Hesperia 80.4, 635-655.


Papers in peer-reviewed edited volumes and books

Gorogianni, E. Forthcoming. “Storage and Sociopolitical Complexity in the Middle and Late Bronze Age Ayia Irini, Kea (Greece).” In Proceedings of the Third International Cycladological Conference. “The Cyclades through time: Space-People”, Hermoupolis, Syros, 25-29 May 2016, edited by G. Gavalas. (accepted, July 2017).

Gorogianni, E., and N. Abell. Forthcoming. “Insularity and Cosmopolitanism in Ayia Irini, Kea.” In Island, Mainland, Coastland & Hinterland Ceramic Perspectives on Connectivity in the Ancient Mediterranean, Conference at the University of Amsterdam, February 1-3, 2013, edited by Kotsonas, A. and J. Hilditch. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. (accepted, September 2014).

Gorogianni, E. and T. Panagou. Forthcoming. “Προϊστορική Καρθαία: Νέα στοιχεία για μια εγκατάσταση της Μέσης Εποχής του Χαλκού στην Κέα και οι συνέπειές της για τον Aιγαιακό κόσμο.” In «Περί των Κυκλάδων νήσων. Το Αρχαιολογικό Έργο στις Κυκλάδες» Διεθνές Επιστημονικό Συνέδριο, Βυζαντινό και Χριστιανικό Μουσείο, 22-26 Νοεμβρίου 2017. (submitted October 2021).

Davis, J.L., T. Gerke, and E. Gorogianni. 2023. “Excavation and Stratigraphy w/Appendix.” In A Sanctuary in the Hora of Illyrian Apollonia: Excavations at the Bonjakët Site (2004- 2006), edited by J.L. Davis, S.R. Stocker, I. Pojani, and V. Dimo, 33-85. Columbus GA: Lockwood Press.

Gorogianni, E. 2020a. “Finding oikoi: Ayia Irini, Kea from the household perspective.” In OIKOS. Archaeological approaches to House Societies in the Bronze Age Aegean, edited by J. Driessen and M. Relaki, 257-274. Aegis 19. Louvain-la-Neuve: Presses Universitaires de Louvain.

Gorogianni, E. 2020b. “Mobility and Globalization: The View from the Bronze Age Cyclades.” In Mediterranean Archaeologies of Insularity in the Age of Globalization, edited by A. Kouremenos and J.M. Gordon, 53-88. Oxford: Oxbow Books.

Gorogianni, E., N. Abell, and J. Hilditch. 2020. “Keos and Attica in the Middle and the Late Bronze Age.” In Athens and Attica in Prehistory. Proceedings of the International Conference Athens, 27-31 May 2015, edited by N. Papadimitriou, J.C. Wright, S. Fachard, N. Polychronakou-Sgouritsa, and E. Andrikou, 627-636. Oxford: Archaeopress Publishing.

Abell, N.D., and E. Gorogianni. 2019. “The Past in Practice: Craft Producers and Material Culture Change at Ayia Irini, Kea (Poster presentation).” In MNHMH / MNEME. Past and Memory in the Aegean Bronze Age. Proceedings of the 17th International Aegean Conference University of Udine, Department of Humanities and Cultural Heritage, Ca Foscari University of Venice, Department of Humanities, 17-21 April 2018, edited by Borgna, E., I. Caloi, F. M. Carinci, and R. Laffineur, 655-658. Aegaeum 43. Leuven: Peeters.

Fitzsimons, R. D., and E. Gorogianni. 2017. “Dining on the Fringe? A Possible Minoan-Style Banquet Hall at Ayia Irini, Kea, and the Minoanisation of the Aegean Islands." In Minoan Architecture and Urbanism: New Perspectives on an Ancient Built Environment, edited by Q. Letesson and C. Knappett, 334-360. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Gorogianni, E., N. Abell, and J. Hilditch. 2017. “Aegean Fusion Cuisine: Ayia Irini, Kea as Cultural ‘Middle Ground.’” In From Cooking Vessels to Cultural Practices in the Late Bronze Age Aegean, edited by J.A. Hruby and D.A. Trusty, 55-69. Oxford: Oxbow Books.

Gorogianni, E. and R.D. Fitzsimons. 2017. “Social Complexity in MBA and LBA Cyclades: A View from Ayia Irini.” In Explaining Change in Aegean Prehistory, edited by C. Wiersma and S. Voutsaki, 124-158. Oxford: Oxbow Books.

Girella, L., E. Gorogianni, E., and P. Pavúk. 2016. “Introduction.” In Beyond Thalassocracies. Understanding Processes of Minoanisation and Mycenaeanisation in the Aegean, edited by E. Gorogianni, P. Pavúk, and L. Girella, 1-14. Oxford: Oxbow Books.

Gorogianni, E. 2016. “Keian, Kei-noanised, Kei-cenaeanised? Interregional Contact and Identity in Ayia Irini, Kea.” In Beyond Thalassocracies. Understanding Processes of Minoanisation and Mycenaeanisation in the Aegean, edited by E. Gorogianni, P. Pavúk, and L. Girella, 136-154. Oxford: Oxbow Books.

Gorogianni, E., J. Cutler, and R. D. Fitzsimons. 2015. “Something Borrowed, Something New: Possible Archaeological Evidence for Foreign Brides as Catalysts for Acculturation at Ayia Irini, Kea.” In NOSTOI: Indigenous Culture, Migration, and Integration in the Aegean Islands and Western Anatolia during the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age. Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations (RCAC) of Koç University in Istanbul, March 31st - April 3rd 2011, edited by N. Stampolidis, Ç. Maner and K. Kopanias, 853-886. Istanbul: Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations (RCAC) of Koç University in Istanbul.

Gorogianni, E. 2011. “Herrscher der Inseln. Anatomie einer Seefahrergesellschaft (Rulers of the Islands: Anatomy of a Sea-faring Society).” In Kykladen. Lebenswelten einer frühgriechischen Kultur. Katalog zur Ausstellung im Schloss Karlsruhe vom 17. Dez. 2011 bis 22. April 2012, edited by Badisches Landesmuseum Karlsruhe, 50-57. Darmstadt: Badisches Landen Museum.

Davis, J.L., and E. Gorogianni. 2008. “Potsherds from the Edge: Defining the Limits of Minoanized Areas of the Aegean.” In Ορίζων A Colloquium on the Prehistory of the Cyclades, Cambridge 25-28 March 2004. McDonald Institute Monographs, edited by N. Brodie, J. Doole, G. Gavalas, and, C. Renfrew, 379-388. Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research.

Davis, J.L., V. Dimo, I. Pojani, S.R. Stocker, K. Lynch, T. Gerke, and E. Gorogianni. 2006. “Bonjakët Excavations, Apollonia: 2004-2005.” In New Directions in Albanian Archaeology: Studies Presented to Professor Muzafer Korkuti, edited by L. Bejko and R. Hodges, 118-127. International Centre for Albanian Archaeology Monograph Series 1. Oxford: Oxbow Books.

Davis, J.L. and E. Gorogianni. 2005. “Embedding Aegean Prehistory in Institutional Practice: A View from one of its North American Centers.” In Prehistorians Round the Pond: Reflections on Aegean Prehistory as a Discipline, edited by J.L. Cherry, L. Talalay, and D. Margomenou, 93-113. Kelsey Museum Publication 2. Ann Arbor: Kelsey Museum of Archaeology.

Zarinebaf, F., J. Bennet, and J.L. Davis. 2005. A Historical and Economic Geography of Ottoman Greece: The Southwestern Morea in the 18th Century (with contributions by E. Gorogianni, D.K. Harlan, M. Kiel, P. Mackay, J. Wallrodt, and A.D. Wolpert), Hesperia Supplement 34, Princeton: American School of Classical Studies at Athens.



Gorogianni, E. 2017. Review of PEGGY SOTIRAKOPOULOU. The pottery from Dhaskalio (The sanctuary on Keros and the origins of Aegean ritual: the excavations of 2006–2008, volume IV). 2016. Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research & Oxbow; 978-1-902937-76-2. Antiquity 91 (358), 1105-1107.

Gorogianni, E. 2013. Review of Brogan, T.M. & E. Hallager (eds.), 2011. LM IB Pottery: Relative Chronology and Regional Differences. Acts of a Workshop Held at the Danish Institute at Athens in Collaboration with the INSTAP Study Center for East Crete, 27-29 June 2007, (2 vols), Athens: The Danish Institute at Athens.  review-by-gorogianni


Refereed Submissions (2015 to present)

Invited Public Lectures (selection, 2015 to present)

Fellowships and Awards

Fellowships and Grants for Research Projects

Middle Bronze Age Aegean Trade and Exchange Networks Reappraised (co-directed with Dr. Tania Panagou, Cyclades Ephorate)

· Faculty Research Committee for the 2020 Summer Fellowship ($10.000), University of Akron, FY 2020

· Institute for Aegean Prehistory, 2015 New Research Grant ($7,800)

· Mediterranean Archaeological Trust, 2015, (£1,200)

Ayia Irini Northern Sector Archaeological Project (co- directed with Dr. Rodney D. Fitzsimons, Trent University)

· Institute for Aegean Prehistory, 2012 Renewal of Research Grant ($20,000)

· Mediterranean Archaeological Trust, 2012, (£1,000)

· Institute for Aegean Prehistory, 2011 Renewal of Research Grant ($20,000)

· Institute for Aegean Prehistory, 2010 Renewal of Research Grant ($15,000)

· Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, 2010-11 (CA$80,000) Institute for Aegean Prehistory, 2009 New Research Grant ($19,960)

Outreach Grants

· 2015 Archaeological Institute of America Outreach Grant for the Akron/Kent AIA Chapter Outreach event “A Sumerian Feast” ($500, with Dr. Timothy Matney)

· 2014 Archaeological Institute of America Outreach Grant for the Akron/Kent AIA Chapter Outreach event “A Taste of Ancient Greece and Rome” ($2,950, with Dr. Timothy Matney)

Post-doctoral Fellowships

· Greek Diaspora Fellowship Program (GDFP), granted by the Institute of International Education and the Stavros Niarchos Foundation. Project “Crete and the Aegean islands in the 2nd millennium BC - People, material cultures, ideologies, and the issue of ‘Minoanization’ revisited,” Spring 2020

· Institute for Aegean Prehistory (INSTAP) Post-doctoral Fellow, 2012/13

· Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study, Distinguished Guest Fellow, Spring 2012

Pre-Doctoral Fellowships and Grants

· Isabel and Mary Neff Scholarship, McMicken College of Arts and Sciences, University of Cincinnati, 2006-07

· Summer Stipends, Department of Classics, University of Cincinnati, 1999-2007. University Graduate Scholarship, Graduate School, University of Cincinnati, 1999-2006. Louise Taft Semple Fellowship, University of Cincinnati, 1999-2006

· University Research Council – Summer Fellowship, University of Cincinnati, 2005 and 2004

· Dorot Foundation Travel Grant Award, Archaeological Institute of America, 2004 Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America

· Marion Rawson Fellowship, Department of Classics, University of Cincinnati, 2003 and 2002. Award for Outstanding Poster Presentation, University of Cincinnati, Poster Forum, 7th March, 2003; poster title “Politics and Material Culture Change,” co-authored with Ols Lafe

Teaching Experience


Dr. Gorogianni's Sports and Society in Ancient Greece and Rome has been recognized as:

·       "Quality Online Course" by the Online Learning Services and Institute of Teaching and Learning (The University of Akron) - Fall of 2022 (Akron Online Promise Program). 

·       Quality Matters certified course (July 2023) (

Classes taught

The University of Akron (8/27/2007 to 12/09/2011 and 8/26/2013 to present).

University of Crete, Department of History and Archaeology (Spring 2020)


The University of Arizona, Arizona in the Aegean Program (2016 summer season)

University Service

Research Supervision