Research Sources

Beasy, K., Grant, R., & Emery, S. (2023). Multiple dimensions of safe space for LGBTQ students: school staff perceptions. Sex Education, 23(1), 35-48.

Campen, R., Workman, J. L., & Archibald, J. G. (2022). In search of safety: a case study of LGBT+ college students’ perception of safe spaces at a rural university. Georgia Journal of College Student Affairs, 38(1), 37-58.

Fine, L. E. (2012). The context of creating space: assessing the likelihood of college LGBT center presence. Journal of College Student Development 53(2), 285-299.

Marzetti, H. (2018). Proudly proactive: celebrating and supporting LGBT+ students in Scotland. Teaching in Higher Education, 23(6), 701-717.

Pryor, J. T. (2018). Visualizing queer spaces: LGBTQ students and the traditionally heterogendered institution. Journal of LGBT Youth, 15(1), 32-51.