How Can You Help?

Interested in making a change, but don’t know where to start? It’s not easy, but there are numerous paths and options available! Just having a social justice mindset is a great place to start! Remember, a rising tide lifts all sailboats. The Pride Center was important to me, because I felt that as an already marginalized community, we should not be settling for second best. It occurred to me that the college was not practicing equity, and the queer community was settling for mere tokenism. It isn’t always easy to right the injustices in the world, but you can always start somewhere. If you’re not as comfortable making waves or if you’re new to the queer community, you could join the Gender & Sexuality Alliance! Surrounding yourself with other queer students is a great way to foster a community where you can work collectively to affect change. Aside from the GSA, you can also reach out to college administrators. We have many allies on campus that can answer your questions or point you in the right direction. Below, I have listed the contact information to a couple people that helped make this project so successful.

Kimbell Krausz


Program Manager for Native and Indigenous,

Pacific Islander and LGBTQIA+ Students

PSU 306B


Eugene McAvoy


Associate Dean of Student LIFE

PSU 213
