United Kingdom/

Date 28/02/2018

Can the UK negotiate and sign new trade deals with third countries during the transition period?

The European Commission has today published the draft Withdrawal Agreement between the European Union and the United Kingdom.

This is a draft of the agreement on the UK's orderly withdrawal from the EU and including introductory provisions, citizens' rights,

other separation issues such as goods placed on the market before the withdrawal date, the financial settlement, transitional arrangements,

and institutional provisions – and a protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland. It will now be discussed by the Council (Article 50)

and with the Brexit Steering Group of the European Parliament before being transmitted to the United Kingdom for negotiation.

A final version of the Withdrawal Agreement should be agreed by the EU and the UK by October 2018 to allow for the timely ratification

by the European Parliament, the Council (Article 50) and the UK, according to its own constitutional requirements.

continents : Europe, Africa, Antarctica, Australia, Asia, North America, South America

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