Team Members

Katherine Ristola

I am a senior in Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering with a focus in the Bioenvironmental area. Outside of class I am involved in the Society of Woman Engineers, Phi Sigma Pi National Honors Fraternity, and a CAFE Ambassador. After graduation, I will be staying at UK to obtain a Master's Degree in Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering.

Emma Sharek

I am a senior in Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering with a focus in the Bioenvironmental area. Outside of class I am involved in the Society of Women Engineers and serve as vice president of BAE Student Branch. After graduation, I will be staying in Lexington, KY and working as a municipal engineer for Strand Associates.

Landon Taylor

I am a senior in Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering with a focus in the bioenvironmental area. After graduation, I plan to stay in central Kentucky and obtain an engineering job.

Vanessa Spring

I am a senior in Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering specializing in Bioenvironmental Engineering. Outside of class I am involved in the Society of Women Engineers and the College of Fine Arts as a dance minor. After graduation I will be working as a Staff Engineer in Louisville, KY.