AI and You : Bringing Humanity Into The Conversation Susan Spellman Cann, Paul Signorelli and Erin Luong

Mark your calendars for Wed. May 31st, 2023 7 p.m. MT, 9 p.m. ET 


Susan Spellman Cann Registered Psychologist, School Counselling Advocate, Presenter, Calgary, Alberta

Paul Signorelli San Francisco-based writer, trainer/facilitator, presenter and consultant. San Francisco, California 

Erin Luong Canadian Certified Counsellor Calgary, Alberta 

Session Description: 

Join us for an exciting and thought-provoking discussion about the incredible potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to create positive social change. Paul will focus on the intersection of humans and machines. Susan and Erin will focus on some of the amazing ways AI is already used for social good. To end we will explore some of the “what’s next with our community” questions. Come join the conversation and help us discover how you can play a role in shaping the future of AI for the betterment of all.

Goals and Objectives of The Session:

By participating in the synchronous Zoom session and any additional activities you pursue as part of your learning experience, you will see how your colleagues are responding to Bringing Humanity Into the Conversation. By the end of the live session and completion of any other activities you pursue, you will be able to 


Highly Recommend

Remember, the goal is to explore the topic of bringing humanity into the conversation when it comes to AI in a fun and engaging way. So choose the activity that interests you most and don’t forget to share your insights and experiences with others either in Padlet or Discord. 

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