Chat GPT and Its Implications for Lifelong Learning

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

9 pm ET/6 pm PT

Link to live Zoom session has been sent via email to all registered participants - if you have not receieved the link and have registered please check your Spam

Session Description
ChatGPT has, over the past few months, literally exploded as a topic of conversation and exploration in teaching-training-learning and many other venues. The possibilities and challenges can seem daunting—which means that it’s time for the #etmooc community to do what it does so well: explore the underpinnings of ChatGPT in the overall learning landscape of artificial intelligence; identify possibilities and challenges; and begin creating flexible plans of action through better understanding of how ChatGPT is already changing the way we work and learn so we can effectively and appropriately incorporate it into what we do. 

Join us for this highly interactive 60-minute online session exploring ChatGPT in lifelong learning and then engage with your co-conspirators in the #etmooc2 community over the next two weeks to see how you can most effectively respond to what it offers.

Goals/Objectives of the session
By participating in the synchronous Zoom session and any additional activities you pursue as part of your own learning experience, you will see how your colleagues are responding to ChatGPT. By the end of the live session and completion of any other activities you pursue, you will be able to:

Session Facilitators
Maurice Coleman [he/him/his]Principal of Coleman & Associates. Maryland 

Lisa GustinelliInstructional Technology/IT Administrator, St. Vincent Ferrer Catholic School. Delray Beach, Florida 

Paul Signorelli—San Francisco-based writer, trainer/facilitator, presenter and consultant. San Francisco, California

You are invited to design your own learning experience by choosing as few or as many of the following suggested exercises as you care to choose, to advance your learning.

Highly Recommended

Optional Tasks

Session Resources

There is no need to read all of them; they are arranged from most general/concise to most complex/in-depth so you can pursue your learning at whatever level is most comfortable to you.


Sabrina Ortiz, ZDNET, March 31, 2023